Seriously horrible unfunny movie
It was a HORRIBLE movie.
Any gym teacher who treated ANY kid like that would be in prison. AND if I walked into a gym and saw a PE teacher treating a kid like that with his foot on his back hurting him, I'd take a baseball bat to the SOB. No jury would convict if they had seen what a POS the P.E. teacher was.
This movie was NOT FUNNY.
It was sickeningly stupid.
And letting the bastard get away with everything including his mom just left a sour very sour taste in my mouth. I was hoping he would take the bastard out or at least get him sent to prison but the idiotic way he tried to keep up with him was just STUPID.
I'm glad Scott apologized because he should.
NOT a funny movie and in fact almost condones child abuse by a P.E. teacher.
Someone show me how to get back the hour I've wasted on this POS.
They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety