MovieChat Forums > Doom (2005) Discussion > Stupid irritating Johnson

Stupid irritating Johnson

Overacting hammy POS. The scene where he murders one of his own men was
the low point. They all just stand there and look at him. And then he spouts off
a bunch of crap about needing soldiers. In real life, if somebody goes psycho like his character did ,they would have killed him on the spot. Too bad they couldnt get someone decent to play this role , course no decent actor would have wanted to add this crappy movie to their resume.


Johnson was fine. He was a wrestler, not an actor at this point. I think he has become a decent action star. I rather liked Faster(2010). Compare his acting to any other wrestler who tried to make movies. He is quite good. Especially when compared to the likes of Hulk Hogan.


So you hate him and the movie, yet here you are.


Sounds you speak from personal experience. I imagine law abiding Earth protocol does not mean much out on wild, wild, Mars.
