It's irreversible

"Dr. Carmack's condition is irreversible!"
Ooh Doom, not a very good movie, but I loved the Rock in this. He was really on point as the sadistic meathead. There's on point he's staring down one of his guys, who doesn't want to gear up, and Rock's eyes are twitch'in all over the place , I swore he was gonna raise his eyebrow!

- Currently watch classic Cinema like Gods of Egypt


Yeah I like how subtle they are earlier on with how this guy is an *beep*


Haha, yes, and that was definitely the best line in the movie.


Best line was towards the end when the Rock is dragged through a wall and he goes

"I am not supposed to die"

A great little 4th wall breaker

Caprica/SGU/Firefly/Farscape/TSCC - Sometimes I wonder why I bother


It's happening


Meathead? Sadistic? He was clearly the bad guy but he didn't come across as either a meathead (brainless leader) or a sadistic man, he was a guy who followed orders regardless of morals, but he didn't show a special type of sadistic tendency, he followed orders to the detriment of himself & others because he didn't allow his conscience/empathy to get in the way of his orders.

BTW, I also liked how he was presented as somewhat of a protagonist in the beginning & very grey whether he was good/bad, but it leaned heavily on the former before the 3rd act.
