For those of you that have seen the film (like me - c'mon Aussies, c'mon, c'mon!), does anyone else think it's strange that the Poseidon, that sailed from Cape Town in South Africa and from the maps is obviously sailing east (in the satellite images the Poseidon is east of Australia) is headed for Sydney and not Perth? I know (for a vast majority of Americans - sorry guys!) that Sydney is the most well known city in our Land of Oz, but wouldn't the Poseidon be headed for Perth (which is, if I remember correctly, a port in its own right) if it's coming from the west? Because I thought it was rather odd that the Poseidon would be sailing east and headed for Sydney, and after conferring with dad on the details came to this conclusion:
If the Poseidon is sailing east it SHOULD be sailing to Perth. If it is trying to get to Sydney it would either have to go over the tip of Queensland (which is hazardous enough for small fishing vessels, and probably impossible for a 140,000-ton cruise ship) or down past Tasmania (which would just take too long). Now, if the Poseidon WAS sailing east than this is a factual error. However, I may be wrong (the Poseidon may have been sailing west, although, as far as I know, all cruise ships that are sailing to Australia from Cape Town sail east and dock in Perth). Can anyone confer with me on this?