What was the point of this?

I have just tried to watch the Poseidon Adventure, and can honestly say that it is the biggest load of crap I have ever seen!
To say that the acting was rubbish is a gross understatement.
As to the disaster, the physics of it just don't add up. The ship would not have capsized! Just think about all of the redundant automatic safety systems that would have (without intervention from the Bridge) prevented widescale catastrophic flooding.
If you have absolutely nothing to do for almost 3 hours and can look past the bad acting, stupid storyline & unbelievable diaster premise, then watch this film.
Not a good remake of a classic '70s movie.


To jonwendes-HERE HERE.!!!It was Hell-Upside down!Hell on tele,and my god how did the ship overturn and Steve Guttenburg and his tart still managed to look OK with a nice blanket over them..on their roof!I would've put a dismantled cabinet through the both of them!!Any hope for 'POSEISON"in 2006 mate..??


Agreed. I just watched both the original and the new one and the 2005 version is worse in every way. Even the capsizing scenes are better in 1972 than in 2005. I agree with an earlier posting that the new movie fails to convey any sense of dread or tension build-up by constantly cutting away to the rescuers. And the entire Clarke family subdrama is hokier than anything in the first movie.
