When will it air?????

Does anyone know when it will air in Canada..or even if it will air in Canada?
If not, when is it airing on the Hallmark channel in the states?



do you know what time!?



unless NASCAR runs over which will happen.



I don't get how NASCAR can go overtime. it's a bunch of rednecks driving around in a circle----speed it up, boys!!


Rednecks driving around a track... Yeah... And these particular rednecks probably make a lot more money than most of us. And they can go into overtime because sometimes a race is stopped because of weather or a serious accident. Or... If there's a crash in the last couple of laps, they will have a green/white/checkered finish and it ends up being more laps then were scheduled.


Regardless ofhow much they make they still get overpayed fo rdoing nothing more than going a round in a circle there is nothing exciting about it save for the fact that someone might not wear a seatbelt on erace and go slamming into a brick wall one way while car goes careening in another direction. I mean c'mon its not like it is that exciting. If you're betting money on it then maybe but if you're ust sitting around watching it and screaming at them to go faster with a beer in one hand and ur finger dug inside ur bellybutton digging out navel lint than that isnt fun. These people have nothing to better to do with their lives because they realized that they can't do anything that constitutes a real job. YEs these people get paid big money. But if they weren't drivng around in a circle you know what they be doing?? They would be shoveling sh*t for a living. There is no chance that half those people would even make it into college. HAHAHAHA
