capsizing effects

judging by the trailer that NBC is now showing, the capsizing effects---exterior shots, anyway--look kind of cheap.
they remind me of when this wretched soap called Sunset Beach had a overturned cruise ship story line and their effects looked like they were created in Photoshop. It was on NBC too, so maybe they're robbing old footage...


It's definitely not stolen footage, I know that much. The capsizing effects are good (for a B-grade tellie movie with a virtual 'no-name' cast) but I wouldn't expect anything like 'The Day After Tomorrow'. Then again, the (exterior) capsizing effects in the original are (by today's standards) not very convincing either.


We've just had the fim here in Oz.Thought the capsising was OK-not enough emphasis on inside the ship-look back and the 1972 version was much better.Where was the guy who fell from the upsized table into the massive light as in the original??Great effect then-and now I think.The film was long on T.V-we had it as a film,not a mini series.Hope the 2006 "POSEIDON" has a great capsising-somewhere near "The Perfect Storm".....



I toured Warner Brothers Studios last summer and saw the set for this. Actually, there were two sets, one with a ship built rightside up, and in the soundstage next door, they had the same style ship, only it was being constructed upside down. Looked like it would turn out pretty cool from what I saw of it, but maybe they ended up doing some of it CGI, which might look unrealistic. Also, anytime something is meant to be underwater it can turn out looking almost ethereal. But, crappy effects or not, I'll probably watch it just because I got to see the set being built. :)


Actually, you toured the sets for the "Big Screen" remake that will be in theaters mid-May. The TV Movie was filmed in South Africa. Im surprised you didnt pick up on that while touring the studio.



It was totally cheap effects. I also didn't like the fact that a big wave didn't make the ship turn over.
