On the subject of this remake

Let me start by saying that I am one of the few people I know who is a fan of remakes. I love to compare the older versions with the newer ones. I do have to say that this was way worse then I thought it was going to be for many reasons.

1. The terrorist attack added NOTHING to the plot. The tidal wave was better.

2. Too long to get to the trip up the ship. I haven't officially compared but I believe much more of the first movie was spent on the survivors making their way to the hull.

3. BIG time overacting. Guttenberg was terrible. What was up with the affair? At the end it looked like he was going to make amends with his wife and kids, but then when his mistress dies he looked as though he just lost his one ticket out of his marriage. Confusing!!! Adam Baldwin was the second worst with the overacting.

4. C. Thomas Howell was one step above the above mentioned but he looked like he aged 100 years in the last five.

5. It was much better when Mrs. Rosen actually went second on the underwater swim and saved the reverand from the item that fell on him. Made her more of a hero. It was also better to have her husband with her.

6. Way too many speaches at the end. They were in a hurry to get out near the end and everyone had to stop and give their sob story speech.

7. It sucked when the reverand and Rogo had to choose as to who would set off the bomb at the end. It was better when the reverand sacrificed himself for the others. This act of sacrifice in the first movie also built a respect for the reverand by Rogo. If you remember there was much tension between them throughout the first movie.

8. Guttenberg's scene where hes making it with his mistress and the boat tips on them is hilarious.

9. I thought the part where the french singer ripped off her dress so they could cover their mouths to go through the fire was also hilarious. She was obviously an exibitionist to do that since many of the men still had jackets on, and they could've very easily used one of them.

I thought the positives were the special effects weren't bad. I had heard in the origional that they were going to show the ship sink at the end but for some reason didn't. It was kind of cool to see it sink.

Please comment or add to these. I would like to hear others opinions.



I was disappointed by this. Everything you said about it has mirrored my exact opinons. Really got on my nerves that Guttenburg had to pause everyone during the trip upwards to admit his feelings. If he hadn't wasted time having a heart to heart with his son, I think everyone would've made it across that bridge before it collapsed. Yeah, I've noticed too how C. Thomas has aged so much. Ditto for Rutger Hauer and Steve Guttenburg. And WTF!!! No tidal wave. Just a bomb hole at the bottom which caused the ship to capsize. The original is a masterpiece compared to this scrap heap.

Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!


Didn't at least two if not three people "explain" how the bomb combined with the stormy ocean could capsize the ship. Like they were trying to get us to believe it could happen. As for C. Thomas Howell, I thought he looked better in this movie than in his version of War of the Worlds (but not by much; maybe it was the snappy Captain's uniform).

Do or do not, there is no try. -Yoda


I couldn't believe C.Thomas Howel. Last time I saw him in a move was when he played Tom Chamberlain in "Gettysburg". Makes that part all the more believable... he aged so much he looks like he actually might have been in the Civil War.

There are no "prequels"... there are no "originals"... there is only one Saga...


To be fair, it's pretty unlikely that a tidal wave would capsize something like an ocean liner, at least to make it turn turtle. Once the water started to pour in every open porthole, door and window in the superstruture, the ship would sink pretty fast.

I can only think of one instance that I've ever seen a major ship turn turtle. I recall seeing film footage of WWI or WWII battleship that had been sabotaged in the Med (German?) that turned over without sinking instantly. But the ship was at rest in port, not moving at high speed in a storm, and it's possible it didn't appear to sink because the film cuts off before, and the port is probebly too shallow.


Tidal Wave (Tusnami) or Rogue Wave could flip a ship. Nearly happened to the QUEEN MARY once (Rogue Wave or high seas)... though not sure how modern ships would be affected.

As far as how long they would stay afloat... who knows. Depending on the type of ship I suppose. Enough air gets trapped in the hull, it may stay afloat longer.

As for NBC's POSEIDON... If by nothing else the hole caused by the bomb would probably have been enough to make it go under much quicker than it actually did.

There are no "prequels"... there are no "originals"... there is only one Saga...


I thought this one was OK, but not as good as the original. I mean REALLY!! Who says, "What are you doing?" with a gun pointed at their head. I missed the part where reverend called the officer in command a "poppus a$$". That was hillarious. Besides, you'd think some nearby officers would run to the bridge at the explosion and discover the bodies. Oh well. Boo frickity hoo. Hollywood has gone nuts.


I agree about the singer ripping off her dress. It makes me wonder if the writer (or the network) was sitting around thinking, "What's a plausible way that we can get this hottie to take her clothes off?...Hmmm..." Or at least plausible to viewers who don't think too much. But I'm surprised they didn't put it in a scene that could be shown in the promo.

Seeing that scene made me imagine this one:

Rogo: How can we get this bomb to go off? We don't have a spark down here!

Navy Guy: All right, I have access to some classified research. It seems to suggest that this particular explosive can be detonated if two women kiss each other nearby. This is highly theoretical, but...

Rogo: We do have some women down here! But it could be dangerous.

Navy Guy: It's OK. There's a one-minute delay. That should be enough to get them to safety before detonation.

Rogo: I'm on it!


The French girl and Guttenberg's daughter kiss for 30 seconds. The shot goes into the network promo, raising the rating by three points and insuring a sequel.
