I actually bought this for $6 on DVD, purely because I had no idea there was another remake of the movie besides Poseidon and - since I love the original - was curious to see what they did in this one.
While it is by no means anywhere as good as the original 70's version in practically any way, I actually found it a lot better than the bigger-budget Poseidon, which to me had a cast of characters I intensely disliked for the most part (I can't think of another disaster movie where I WANTED several supposedly-sympathetic characters to die!), and for me played mostly like a black comedy more than a serious disaster movie (with every cliche in the book!).
So, if you got the TV movie instead of Poseidon, I'd say don't be too upset. If you got it instead of the original movie, however, I'm sorry to hear it.
Still, if you're a fan of any version (book or any of the films), it was interesting to see another "take" on the concept, and - let's face it - a remake can never destroy the originals, no matter how good or bad.
Oh, and one other thing I like about remakes... they usually cause a re-release of the original (this certainly happened here in Australia, with a feature-packed original Poseidon Adventure re-release replacing the previous "bare bones" one, thanks to Poseidon's release).