Best Awful Quotes

My favorite awful quote was when Steve Guttenberg as Richard Clarke said, "If I survived, somehow... they did." in relation to his family surviving in the ballroom while he was screwing the massage therapist. His truely pathetic attempt at the line and character was hilarious! This was only one of thousands of HILARIOUS lines in this ridiculous remake. The original film wasn't that good and the theatrical remake was at least decent, but adding terrorists to this was just stupid!


I can't remember it exactly, and can't be bothered going through the movie to get it word for word, but when Rachel finds her friends dead, and the old lady says something along the lines of: "Oh no! Those people you work with!"

I cracked up. Absolutely hilarious.


OMG...just watched it this afternoon in a fit of I-don't-know-what...when the 'Homeland Security' dude says...'I'm paid to be paranoid, and I'm good at what I do'. Oh, I knew I was in for something FANTASTIC (tongue firmly planted within my cheek.)


"Cruise Ships Dont Capsize..."

"They do now!"


I'm watching it right lame.

While Richard and the massage slut are walking through a hallway full of water and dead people, she pulls shoes off some dead dude and plop them down next to Richard, he looks at her like she has two heads.

Massage slut: Your feet!!
Then Richie boy gives her a longing look of love
Massage slut: You want to live, Richard!
Richard: Yes, yes I DO!!!

Oh Steve, please get some acting lessons.
