and also when the doctor with the broken arm fell over he was holding onto it as well to get across so if the idea was meant to be that it was too hot to touch then they did a really bad job of showing it.
but this film has a lot of unexplained stories and plotholes. for one being able to send an email, that wouldn't have worked, also i find it hard to believe that only 4 people who weren't in the ballroom survived from the ship turning over, when a whole lot of people survived in the ballroom (which is probably the room with the highest ceiling on the ship which should have made it more difficult to survive) and even harder to believe that one of those people just so happened to be the kids father.
also i didn't really like how we only got half the escape for some of the survivors. i.e. for the father and his new lover, we see them crawl up through that hole when they're swept away by the water after they open a door but the next time we see them they're kicking out the screen of the vent and enter the ballroom, how did they get from where they were to the ballroom? we never seen them enter a vent, they could have at least shown us how they got into the vent. we also don't get shown how the marshall and shelby and the dad etc meet up with the other group and i doubt they were able to go the exact same route the others went. plus what about the messages the mum left for shelby? did shelby just forget that she left them? i mean i assume they followed those and then ran into the marshall but there was no mention of them.
still a somewhat entertaining movie, but not something i'd want to have in my collection.