MovieChat Forums > Junebug (2005) Discussion > Amy Vs. Rachel Vs. Michelle

Amy Vs. Rachel Vs. Michelle

I gotta say, I've watched all three movies, and I liked the performances in all of them. But I must say, I think that the Ashley character was the most "complete" character, and between her comic timing and dramatic parts, I'm a little surprised that Amy Adams wasn't a shoo-in for the Oscar. Is this because the movie was seen by so few people? Amy was really, really amazing in it.



The only time in recent memory that I was rooting for a tie in the acting categories: Amy Adams and Michelle Williams. Both give two of the finest performances nominated in the supporting actress category that I can think of.

Rachel Weisz was also very good - but not win-worthy for me.



all three gave amazing performances but amy really should have won. not that rachel wasn't good but i would say that her role was more of a leading one than a supporting role. i originally wanted michelle williams to win but after multiple viewings of "junebug", it is so clear that amy adams delivered the best performance. michelle was great and all but wow. amy. love her!


They were all fantastic and oscar worthy.



I agree a tie between Amy & Michelle would have been fine by me.

Rachel was good but I felt that she only won cos she was the only real chance her film had of a win plus her character died & it gave her an "edge" with voters. I just can't decide between Amy & Michelle. Ashley talks so much & doesn't shut up - she is so endearing whereas when Alma sees Ennis & Jack kissing she says so much with her face but doesn't utter a single word. Arrrrggghhh they are both just sooooo good!


Hi, sorry,
Rachel who? In which film?


Rachel Weisz: Constant Gardener.


Oh of course! thank you


Amy was nothing short of excellent in Junebug.

Just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you.


Ive not seen 'Constant Gardener' but I doubt Weisz put in a better performance than both Adams and Williams. I'd be persuaded to say that Adams was better due to how much she stood out from the entire film, 'Brokeback Mountain' was fabulous in pretty much every way so Williams almost felt like just another great performance. I hope that made sense.
