MovieChat Forums > Adams æbler (2005) Discussion > It's a comedy because...

It's a comedy because...

I know that some of your have hard to think that this movie is a comedy , and I can just tell you that people in Denmark have a very strange humour .
They actually have a kind of evil humour .. They laugh in almost the whole Adams Æbler .. Strange don't you think ?
So strangely for danish people it's a very funny comedy ..


I'm in Canada and saw this movie in July.. and I thought it was sooooo funny! I just couldn't stop laughing, though I must admit I felt guilty laughin at certain scenes (like when that cat on the tree was shot by mistake..). I loved it - can't wait for the DVD release in North America.

Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once.


I don't think the cat was shot by mistake.



I don't think the cat was shot by mistake either, but what was funnier is how Ivan tried to ignore this fact, saying how it was an old cat that maybe by coincedence died and fell out of the tree when the shot was fired, even though there's an obvious gunshot-wound on the cat.

Do trolls & haters deserve to die?


me and my mom cracked up when he shot that cat lmao it was the funniest part of the whole film.


1st. Grab you dictionary or open another browser with an online dictionary in it and read the defintions for comedy, black comedy, tragicomedy like I just did to make sure of what I the definitions are and I believe you will come to the conclusion I did. Adam's apples is a black comedy(The Cable Guy is a black comedy I always use as an example).

2nd. Someone made the comment it is harder to laugh when reading subtitles, I don't find it to be the case. In fact, I prefer to watch movies subtitled instead of dubbed. Also while watching any movie I have the english subtitles on and while watching t.v. I have the closed captioning on just so I don't miss anything being said.

Lastly, another someone made mention of buying a region-free dvd player just to watch this film. I don't know if this true or not, but I read somewhere all dvd players have a code specific to their brand you can enter with your remote to make the player play any region dvd. Something to look into if you can't wait for the region you are in to get the film on disc.

Later all,

[email protected]


The humour is also lost a bit in the translation. A lot of it comes simply from the way the characters use and pronounce words and the dialect they speak in. Such humour cant be translated unfortunatly.



I saw nothing funny in shooting a cat (or any animal) in such a casual way.
I was also seriously annoyed at the film because it appeared to be nothing but Christian propaganda to me. All the characters were unsympathetic and I didn't care what happened to any of them. Highly overrated, although the acting was good.


Hard to see the difference between fiction and non-fiction? In reel life shooting a cat isn't something to laugh about. In a movie it can be hilarious.
In this movie it was funny.



@ Kiko

Get off the internet immediately! If you are such a numbnut to actually think this film to be "Christian propaganda", then you have no bussiness on a movie discussing board. These movies are ONLY about character development, and the settings is only a tool used to get them trough their transformation. Christian propaganda please. Your mom's christian propaganda. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard about this movie.


The Cat is permitted to be killed (by God) for a reason. ( God allows it - He did not do the killing)

Have none of you ever really read the Book of Job?

I assure you that if you go and do so, you will find out why Lambert was permitted to die AND why Ivan employs his odd conversational style of dismiss the tragedy around him.

All the answers can be found in The Book of Job. The script follows the interior logic of Job to the letter.


because alcoholics have down syndrome children


don't worry, anna, that movie was hilarious; I had a better time watching it than just about anything I've ever seen; plus, Mads was great. He's really on the radar for me now. I also liked the other guy.

martinkjaer, I don't feel much was lost in translation ... is there an English version? I don't think I would wish to see it. I'm sure you're right, though, understanding the original language would enhance the viewing. To think that it could be even funnier is amazing.

teadm, the idea that this is Christian propaganda is debatable. I don't think the filmmaker intended to evangelize, he was just speaking in universal truths. personally, i suspect most fundamentalists would be appalled. but if you are that offended, i'm guessing something was really getting to you. you should open yourself to the experience.

hilarious, hilarious movie. loved it, loved it, loved it
