MovieChat Forums > Transformers (2007) Discussion > If this movie is too difficult for you, ...

If this movie is too difficult for you, go watch Transformers instead!

To all you idiots that don't understand anything about fine filmmaking and just complain that this movie is too complicated, and that the director's message is too philosophical for their taste, or simply find this film to be too artistically challenging for them, I tell you just go watch Transformers instead, that's more on par with your inferior intellectual capabilities.


Better yet just look up Megan Fox.


We all know films can be deep, intellectually challenging, and so much than entertainment for entertainment’s sake - But sometimes all we want is straightforward entertainment which Transformers gives us, and there’s nothing wrong with that.


Just go watch Transformers instead!


This movie is pretentious on so many levels. I think most people who say they love it just want to look smart or 'intellectual'. Michael Bay puts a lot of effort in making 'clever' and very 'deep' films. Not my cup of tea.


The only answer can be go watch Transformers instead!


I’ve never seen a Transformers film but I’ve been told to ‘Go and watch Transformers instead’ at least four or five times over the years when daring to criticise somebody’s sacred cow movie.


So you know what you should do?
Go watch Transformers instead!


LOL I tried once, honestly I did...


I traumatically managed once, as I payed for the ticket. Man, that's 10 bucks I'll never get back :-(
