Hank and Sirena

Is it just me, or do they actually seem to really work well together? I would enjoy having their relationship continue indefinitely.


Definitely time that Hank got a GF, after Dean's relationship w Triana.
The way he had Dean, PW, & BQB masquerading in the park to protect/charm her was tres charmant.

Idiocracy was supposed to have been a dark comedy.It's quickly becoming a documentary.


The relationship is doomed. After all it is the Venture Bros. There is no comedy in happiness.


"The relationship is doomed. After all it is the Venture Bros. There is no comedy in happiness."

I dare you to make less sense.

Yes they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell!
-The incomparable Sam Jax-


No comedy in happiness?!!!! This ain't one of them there socialist countries son. We have more going on than that so awkward you cringe "comedy" in the USA.


Have you been watching this show for very long? This show is about failure. Any success is followed by immediate failure or one that is interwoven through several episodes before ending in failure. Relationship failures are also a target. Even the Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend have had issues. I'm sure that the Monarch has nightmare visions of where the fifth phantom limb has been. Hopefully Hank has some happiness before his new relationship falls.


Politics aside- tragedy+time=comedy.

