DVD Back Cover

Someone pointed this out on a different topic but is there an extended version? The back of the DVD shows a single picture of four soldiers hanging in nooses with a girl looking up at them, but this scene didn't feature in the film.

Kind of pointless really? Anyone shed any light on it?

'It isn't friendly fire if it hits and kills you.'


I'm wondering that myself. I just bought the DVD this afternoon and the pic is inside the one page booklet (forgot what it's called) and it has that pic. Looks creepy tho.


I think it's just a promotional picture. Not all pictures on a DVD cover have to be in the movie, just like the picture in the poster doesn't have to be in the movie. The pic is just their to catch people's attention.


The back of my UK dvd version has several pictures that I don't recognise at all from the film!


Likewise here!


Yes, I noticed this too. No doubt there'll be a "director's cut" realeased for twice the money after the American remake. Ho-hum!

Enjoyed the movie by the way


the american remake? not that im suprised but is there one planned?


Yeah, that's how this movie was being marketed when I bought it ie "see it first before the American remake!" Think it's being done by the guy who did Hero / House Of The Flying Daggers


Heh, okey. Hmm. come to think of it, I usually hate remakes, but I thought this movie had quite a few flaws and since the story is quite good, maybe a remake would actually work.


hahaa you guys are weird... the photo is actually IN the movie! its the picture that guy burns during the scene around 15 mins before the ending
