The haunted mansion location...
I recognised the haunted 'mansion' in this film.
It's at a place called Bokor Hill, near Kampot in southern Cambodia, which was built as a hilltop retreat by the French, where the air was fresher and less humid.
The location they use is in fact an old casino, and is one of several buildings that were abandoned in the fifties. There is also a church (very creepy), a hotel, and a few luxury villas, with much of the old furniture and fixtures just left to rot there.
The mist is real, due to it being on the egde of a cliff that produces a cloud effect, and it is the single most creepy place I've ever been, even without seeing this movie (we were the only people there when we visited)!
In the casino is a sign that says it is forbidden to sleep overnight which made me laugh - you'd have to be feckin mad to sleep overnight in that place.
"If you disagree with me, convince me. Don't just throw a rock at my head."