MovieChat Forums > Match Point (2006) Discussion > I can not admit chris's reasons 4 killin...

I can not admit chris's reasons 4 killing his beloved affair!

Chris gave some reasons for killing Nola, but they are just ridiculous! here are some ; he had a perfect job that he didn't want to miss, his father-in-low support him in any matter, he didn't want his wife find out about his affair, he knew that he's future is not going to be fine with Nola, and Nola's pressure,and... SO WHAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!
you don't murder someone who drives you crazy ,someone you can not live without ,someone that you love the most ,and... because of these reasons!

I was so sad and shocked after watching the movie.

Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness.


He kills Nola because just like in Crimes and Misdemeanors, she was going to go to Chloe and admit that she was pregnant with Chris' baby. He didn't want that because he would be ruined.


Good you don't understand. That means you do not think like a sociopath, such as Chris, would. Congrats. :)

Chris did not love anybody but himself.


Thanks 4 ur answer ;)


Chris gave some reasons for killing Nola, but they are just ridiculous! here are some ; he had a perfect job that he didn't want to miss, his father-in-low support him in any matter, he didn't want his wife find out about his affair, he knew that he's future is not going to be fine with Nola, and Nola's pressure,and... SO WHAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!
you don't murder someone who drives you crazy ,someone you can not live without ,someone that you love the most ,and... because of these reasons!
Oh come on there were plenty of other reasons. What about the Nice big house he lived in, the nice clothes he wore, the expensive wine he loved drinking, those parties and events he went to, him going to the opera anytime he wants, etc. All those things would have been gone if he didn't kill Nola. Its harsh thing to say. But its true.


First of all, tnx 4 ur answer.
you are right about other reasons, but these are not enough to murder your love, this shows that you have not experienced love, BECAUSE when you love someone ,you prefer to lose anything u have just to be with him/her. and because chris was unbelievably selfish, he prefered to lose his love inorder to have anything he wanted to have! it's a shame.


Chris even said, when talking to his friend, that he was not sure if he loved her or if it was just lust. Something like, perhaps i have found the diffrence between love and lust.

So I dont think he really loved her, he just loved being with her.

He did fall in love with his new lifestyle though, and in the end realized that he prefered that to a future with Nola, and even would go so far as to kill her and his unborn baby.

Sick yes, but an understandable motive indeed.


I'd have killed Nola because she annoyed the *beep* out of me in the end.. that's what happened when you push a man to the wall.. you never want to corner a cat or it'll jump over you!

Love is Pain.


I'd have killed Nola because she annoyed the *beep* out of me in the end.. that's what happened when you push a man to the wall.. you never want to corner a cat or it'll jump over you!

So, jkc1028, according to your twisted logic, it's okay to kill someone if they annoy you or mess with your plans. Either you're trolling or you're a psychotic misogynist!

Chris pursued Nola before and after marrying Chloe. He used Chloe for her status and Nola for sex. He was manipulative, egotistical and narcissistic. He created the situation he found himself in and punished Nola for it because she stopped being just one of many pawns on a chessboard he could push around. He did not love anybody. It was all about his world and having complete control. Once he realised he could no longer control Nola, he coldly disposed of her and her landlady too, simply because she (the landlady at least) was "collateral damage." Remember when Nola said at her first meeting with Chris: "Now what did I walk into?" Little did she know how perfectly chilling those words would prove to be.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


you are right about other reasons, but these are not enough to murder your love, this shows that you have not experienced love, BECAUSE when you love someone ,you prefer to lose anything u have just to be with him/her. and because chris was unbelievably selfish, he prefered to lose his love inorder to have anything he wanted to have! it's a shame.
I don't think Chris loved Nola at all. He probably enjoyed having sex with her. But thats about it. He only saw her as an object that he needed to have.

If he did love her at all. Killing her would have never crossed his mind. Chris was slime plain and simple. I don't think he was capable of loving anyone other than himself.


@Violet_spotlight, He didn't love her. Because if he did then he would not have killed her.


Good points. i also think it would have meant going back to that life he had before meeting emilY Mortimer and of course her brother. He wanted comfort.

Jerry at the Movies


Nola was sexy, yes, and she knows how to give a guy a good time and make him feel like a MAN!

But she was also the following:
- high school dropout
- poor
- not-ambitious
- not well read
- a bad actor
- a bad auditioneer
- she can't get her own man
- white-trash
- surprised that her lover would rather spend time with his family on holidays
- thinks table-tennis is foreplay
- has a dumb accent (gosh, do we all talk that way? how boring)
- no one in her life to tell her what she is doing is wrong
- no one in her life that would miss her when someone kills her
- she never knew what love was, just lust and infatuation
- and most of all.......she was DELUSIONAL!!!!!!!!!

I specifically reminded her - bedside table! On the Kangaroo!


You're right. but Chris was in love with the Nola that he sees, he couldn't see her flaws, because he was madly in love with her ,or at least he claimed so. he loved her ,no matter how poor or uneducated she was. so why would he murder the woman he loved?


Like someone mentioned before he is a sociopath. As you can see the whole movie he did not show any emotion aside from appreciation when he got something nice. He did not have/make any friends, he did not have any relationships where he was not somehow benefiting. I think all of it was calculated.

I mean his behavior before the end was pretty despicable too. So someone befriends you, takes you in his family, sets you up with his hot sister, and you go and *beep* his fiance? I mean that is pretty *beep* low.

And altough he acted like he did not want to, he took everything that was handed to him. And also the scene where he meets an old friend and says: I'm paying for lunch, put it on the expense account. This is classic sociopath behavior in that he did not feel embarrassed by the way he attained his standing.


Chris cannot be termed a sociopath, because he did feel guilt and remorse for the murders (seeing the ghosts of Nola and the old lady). But obviously he was not a person of good character or morals.


^THIS. All Lola had going for her was her looks. Other than that, she didn't have anything Chris wanted (ahem, social capital). He didn't love her, he was just infatuated with her appearance. When the secure, wealthy life you've been craving your entire life is in jeopardy over good sex, you can ditch the sex.

But yes--killing Nola was going a bit too far. But Chris is a sociopath, so...


White trash? Bigot much?


The only reason why this film was made, is to show that there is no justice in this world. Many things in life are a matter of luck, a matter of "moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose".
And to communicate this message this film makes awkwardly use of a far-fetched character like chris and not authentic circumstances.


This thread is really stupid; or it's the wording.
You are trying to make what you call love (a word for so many different emotions) into something reasonable that is supposed to mechanically follow a path; so you state your opinion making it appear as if you don't understand the motives, but it is not a question, it is a moral judgment, a statement of what he should feel like. Of course it's dangerous to be like that, but emotions cannot be argued, and it could happen to some crazy person, but to pass moral judgment over a film character's actions is kind of nonsense. That's the stuff stories are made of, and there isn't a way to get into the fictional character's mind by saying it's wrong, I'm sure even if he was a real person it wouldn't change anything. But you still need the police.


Most normal people don't, someone who puts money and status over everything else does. He was overcome with greed, this is why greed is considered one of the 7th biggest sins, too much of it can ruin a person. He wanted everything - Money, sex and power. And had it. Money and power and flash cars and his own driver and fancy dinners and big home and working in a top business and being able to buy anything he wanted and the respect of so many people and also had a woman who he made give in to his charms. He decided he wanted her, he chased after her, he got her. Slept with her as many times as he wanted then disposed of her as soon as he wanted.

Hes greed turned him psychotic. So he wasn't a normal person.

Ashmi any question


Thanks. I find your answer the most convincing among others. You're right about greed and how it had changed Chris, and the fact that he got what he wanted including the woman he loved with burning passion, although I don't get that if he was done with her at the end ,why did he said he was still in love with Nola when he murdered her(in the scene that he was confessing to Nola's ghost)


I don't doubt he didn't still have feelings for her but not as much as he loved his money. He had his affair and just hoped to keep it that way, sex with her, money with his wife.
But she started pushing therefore he simply killed her, he put his status above his feelings for her.
So he technically used her for sex then disposed of her when it went too far.

Ashmi any question


You say.........I don't doubt he didn't still have feelings for her but not as much as he loved his money. He had his affair and just hoped to keep it that way, sex with her, money with his wife.
But she started pushing therefore he simply killed her, he put his status above his feelings for her.
So he technically used her for sex then disposed of her when it went too far.

This is really interesting. If I can get you to go back and watch the seen at the gallery or was it the library. He seemed to be playing on her emotions of her hoping he would dump the wife and be with her. It did not seem like love at all to me. It was his lust for her sexuality he could not do without. On the other hand she was so turned on by him wanting her while he was with his wife she could not resist.

Remember this is how he felt in the beginning, when she was with someone else. [He can't tun me down I know I am what he has to have.]

In both cases it was lust not love that each other could not tame.

One last point is they both used each other for sex.



Of course they were ridiculous and any moral person would agree. Your talking about murder. There are NEVER justifiable reasons to murder someone. So of course the reasons for killing her were ridiculous. You could pile a hundred more reasons on top of it and it would still be ridiculous. Of course, that is from the standpoint of a morally sound person and Chris was NOT a morally sound person. Chris's entire existence basically revolved around using people for his own gain. Egocentric, self centered, and narcassistic are just a few terms that come to mine that perfectly describe Chris and speaking from his viewpoint, there were more than enough reasons given as to why he should kill her.

First off, everything he had been working for the entire film would be destroyed. He even mentions to his friend at the end of the film that he had gotten used to a certain lifestyle. The cars, the clothes, the food, the wine, the activities, the social status, the money, his job, etc. All would be gone in the blink of an eye if Nola were to have exposed him. Believe me, people have been murdered for a LOT less.

The most important thing that your failing to realize is that Chris didn't love Nola. He was insanely attracted to her and even infatuated to a point, but he was certainly not in love with her. Their entire relationship revolved around passion and sex, not love. In my opinion, the film is VERY clear in this regard. Nola is an amazingly sexy woman and Chris is attracted to her from the second he meets her, but we don't ever see anything in this film that would make one think Chris was truly in love with Nola.

Still Shooting With Film!


Hey, tnx for sharing Ur opinion. I can see your point about Chris not being TRULY in love with Nola, BUT at least they had something, they had a connection, a relationship, even if you call it passion(while he didn't have any emotional attachment to his wife, which is ironic). I know he was only thinking about his own benefits when he decided to murder Nola but it's just not convincing, the motivation might be enough if he was a psycho, but he's not, he is just selfish.


"There are NEVER justifiable reasons to murder someone.

Ahem, the movie "A Time to Kill" would disagree with you.

It's just in this case, what Chris did to Nola in the movie Match Point was obviously evil and wrong. Chris even admits this this to himself later.

Unfortunately, Chris gets away with it, and there was no justice for Nola or the neighbor. Still, Chris might have escaped punishment by a court of law, but he still is going to have to answer to god.
