Would it be okay …

for a 15.5-year old to watch? I'm just clarifying it so my dad will let me rent it. On Netflix it's not rated so he needs to know if it's okay for me to watch.


Yeah, there's nothing bad in this. It could possibly pass for a PG.


I would not only approve it, but recommend it. It's really a cute movie, nothing anywhere near as vulgar or horrid as network TV.


I'd say it's very not okay to NOT watch. The only sin that you'll commit, is by not watching this movie.


oh goodness yes! it's fine for a 15 year old to watch! i'm sure people younger than you have watched it. the only thing that could be found objectionable(for really strict parents) is implications of sex and a scene of momoko being born(lol!) and a bit of violence. otherwise it's a pretty tame movie.


Don't forget the fart jokes...


Did they watch it? What did they think? I'm curious
