HBO Premiere Sep. 5

8 PM
The MakingOf comes on Sep. 2 at 9:15 AM

Best movie you haven't seen yet.


im watching it now i love this movie i saw it 5 times in the theater i bought it when it 1st came out on dvd i love this movie i have never cried so hard in my life.


I just finished watching it on HBO for the frist time. It was really good. I cried for some reason throughout the last half.


I liked it.


I was excited to see this movie because when I went to pick strawberries and blueberries at this farm by my house in Jacksonville NC, I was told that the actors learned about bees at this farm. I saw the letters from Queen Latifah and Dakotah Fanning to the bee keeper at this farm. The people have so many bee boxes just like you saw on the movie. I was told the man who owns the farm taught them how to handle the bees. It was a great story, and touched my heart. I cried too.
