MovieChat Forums > The Secret Life of Bees (2008) Discussion > I don't understand a particular scene

I don't understand a particular scene

The church mass scene.
When Dakota Fanning's character stood up and it kept cutting to flashbacks. Then she went over to touch Mary..what did Queen LAtifah yell exactly before Dakota fell to the ground and why was she yelling? I got t text message in the middle of that scene and I missed out and didn't understand. Someone please explain.

I loved this movie btw. Fanning was superb as always.

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Queen Latifah yelled out because June Boatwright, Alicia Keys character, stopped playing the cello when Dakota's character was about to touch the heart on the wood statue. Queen yelled out, "June!"


See, this is what texting does. You miss important things. lol.

Big Gay Al, it has recently come to our attention that you are gay.


Lol i know rite. I shud just turn my phone off next time instead of just putting it on silent.

Go to my film blog!


Adding to jblifeisgood's explanation: she said, "June! What's gotten into you?"

Distracting bizness, that texting. ;-)

It's a cookbook!
