Question on purple honey

LOL: I'm totally outing myself as a clueless city gal here but, I had honestly never even HEARD of purple honey before watching this movie.

Does anyone know if it can be purchased anywhere?


dont worry, i live in the south and neither had I.


I'm sure Prince is a fan of it...



It's elderberry can actually find it online. I wonder if it's good.


There's all different flavors of honey depending on what flowers are available for bees to get nectar from. Orange blossom honey is supposed to be really good. I didn't know that either until a few years ago. I thought honey was just honey. Since the stuff I usually get comes from a plastic bear I was I think supermarket stuff is usually just a blend of whatever is available. Gotta try the good stuff sometime!


Orange blossom honey is great, I would totally recommend ditching the plastic bear and looking for some off the wall types. Also, look for any honey-mustard (white wine especially) and honey-mustard dressing. It's a nice.


My honey is in a plastic bear too, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's run-of-the-mill clover honey (which I love, don't get me wrong!) Clover honey is the most common and therefore inexpensive, and is usually what you'll find in supermarket brand honeys.

There's a local beekeeper where I live who provides our weekly farmers' market with tons of different varieties of honey. My current favorite is forest honey. It has a deep, dark flower flavor and isn't as light or as sweet as clover.

Oh and orange blossom is a good one too. It makes for my favorite flavor of mead!

I'll be whatever I want to do!


LMAO dwacon that was funny

Brooklyn We Go Hard...


your mother was a hamster... and your father stunk of eldeberries....


I'm reading the book right now, and it explains that the bees produce purple honey if they've been eating elderberries. It has a lovely dark purple color and a rich fruity flavor. The young Lily had never seen it before her visit to the Boatwright home.
