Really beautiful film but...

I don't like to watch it too often as I'm not exactly keen on seeing Jennifer Hudson being beaten to a pulp by three racist men.



I hated that too! Makes me tear up and sick to my stomach every time, because even though it's a fictional movie, that happened all of the time back then.

Normally I would fast-forward it like the above poster suggests, but in this situation it feels like cheating.

If they went through that, and a lot endured that and worse just trying to register to vote, go shopping, get to and from work, etc., I shouldn't cringe away from the comparatively easier pain of watching it and knowing exactly how bad and how horrifically wrong it was. We need to never forget how wrong that was and never go back to that again toward any race, religion, etc.

Sorry that's making little to no sense; hopefully you can sort of see what I'm babbling about. :^D
