Overly earnest, obvious and lifeless.
I have a special distaste for this sort of film - the "important" novel, written and directed by a virtual novice, slogging along from high-minded cliché to high-minded cliché. A while back I raged on and on that every movie is to be judged by its intention. This is why, saints forgive me, I can endure things like Old Dogs - I know going in that it only wants to trot out a formula, deliver a "trailer" moment or two, then get off screen before the checks are cashed. A movie like Bees, however, pretends to honesty and meaning, yet nothing in it feels real or alive. This is the kind of movie I like least. It's like Gandhi winning the Oscar. People judge these movies on what they're "about," not how they're realized as art. The movie wants to teach us obvious lessons. Bigotry is bad - wow, what a revelation.