After they kissed why wasn't he arround her after they kissed I mean at lease be with her when Neil cameback to purpose to June Boatright though in that last scene I've thought that she was rushing down to talk to Zack maybe he was in the honey house. I sure hope that he doesn't treat her mean just like those guys that took him did.
I saw both of them still unsure of their sexuality and experimenting. After each encounter, both seemed uncomfortable with it and wanting space to process the feelings, not closeness. I didn't see it as a stereotypical male-runs-the-show-and-neglects-the-female kind of thing. After he got beat up, he had anger and his feelings for her were probably not at the front of his mind. In their conversation she tells him that she doesn't want him to become like them, and that gives him the support and understanding for him to be able to reconnect with his feelings for her. I appreciated how both of them were portrayed as being delicate and unsure.