*SPOILERS!!!!!* Rosalene....

poured SPIT on that guy's shoe? That was SPIT? I thought it was some sort of...syrupy drink or something, but not SPIT.
Why was it brown?

We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind...


In the book, it was a tobacco spit. She would chew tobacco & spit into a jar.
So it was brown tobacco spit. Super-ewwwwww.


As Michael said, it's tobacco spit. My father use to dip, it does have the texture of syrup. (My father use to spit into soda cans, and I accidentally drank some one time...ugh..).

In the scene before that incident, where they're walking to town alongside the road, she spits into that cup. I'm not even sure why she was spitting into the cup when she could have just spit on the ground, though. Yuck.


the guy deserved it, I am proud of her...I love seeing a woman stand up for herself no matter what, strong women are important people, plus I love how she did it knowing she would get he ass whipped, you could tell she was proud of it, as she should of been. A man beating a woman or calling her the N word is 1,000 times worse than spit on one or both shoes.
