just saw it.

wacthed it on showtime and I liked it I have some questions.

1. what is this sundance cut everyone is tlaking about.
2. why did buddy turn out to be such a jerk he seemed to be her friend and first and then he let the milkman boy do what he did.
3. did lewellen know stranger lady was her aunt?

sam tyler:David Bowie. Why does it always come back to David Bowie?


(1) I seriously doubt that the Sundance version was much different from the DVD/Showtime version, save a few probably minor changes.

(2) Perhaps Buddy was afraid of the older boy?

(3) Don't know.


1) I didn't see the Sundance version so I don't know.
2) Buddy was bribed with the Elvis tickets. Several times during the scene he says, "It's part of the deal."
3) Lewellen didn't know Ellen was her aunt. They hadn't even met at the beginning of the film, and we know this because Lewellen asks her what her name is. Lewellen didn't see this woman as a relative, she only saw Ellen as a kind woman who would take care of her.

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The SHADOW knows.
