how many non NASCAR fans enjoyed this movie

I enjoyed this movie (as well as Cars) becasue I am a NASCAR fan. but how many people who dont like NASCAR like this movie?

the fact that my parents had to have sex in order to create me makes me want to be buried alive



I'm not into Nascar and I really liked this movie. I've often wondered however why Nascar fans would like it. It doesn't make them look very good.


I'm not into Nascar and I really liked this movie. I've often wondered however why Nascar fans would like it. It doesn't make them look very good.

I'm a Nascar fan and so is my wife. We both enjoyed the movie because it wasn't depicting Nascar fans, it was depicting the stereotype. Most of the drivers are actually very intelligent and well spoken, and many have college degrees. The typical fan has been successful enough in life to be able to afford to go to races, which means they can't be TOO stupid. We also tend to have a sense of humor and can laugh at that stereotype, as well as the people that believe in stereotypes.


It doesn't make them look very good.
Only if you are the type of person to take stereotypes depicted in a Will Ferrell comedy as reality..

The night is a very dark time for me.


I'm not a NASCAR fan either but loved the film. As far as fans liking it. Some people don't mind and even enjoy self deprecating humor or satire. I love watching tv shows movies or comedians who satirize my political party/beliefs.

"I hate to say this, but this place is getting to me. I think I'm getting the Fear."



Not a NASCAR fan (F1 fan) but enjoyed the movie. Also enjoyed Days of Thunder. The race footage/cinematography is excellent in both. Driven sucked, though.

"People should know when they're conquered" - Quintus


"Driven" was good for the driving scenes. Especially the F1 driving on everyday street.

Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck


Not a NASCAR fan (never watched a minute of this) but I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. I tend to like Will Ferrell comedies, tho - he's got a couple of clunkers, but for the most part I find them pretty funny.


#1 - NASCAR is a near worthless "sport" that has value the last 20 laps or if you bet on it only

I wouldn't watch a NASCAR race if it was in my town, but for a mindless comedy, it was watchable. Nothing to get excited about, but you don't feel cheated for using 2 hours of your life watching it either...

5 / 10


I consider myself a borderline fan. I'm not heavily into NAASCAR, but I enjoy watching the races I can catch being internationally broadcast. I'm a fan of motoracing in general, from F1 to dirt track.

And I think this comedy is brilliantly funny. It pokes fun at broad stereotypes without being excessively mean. It's got a pretty good central storyline, and the gags and one-liners are well timed and work very well. It's a great movie about motorsport, and a great fun movie overall.

