How do people not get that it's a satire...

..of low brow American commercialism? I mean, someone in a comment below said the movie would only appeal to "people who sit around a bug zapper and sip a 12 pack of Budweiser". No idiot, that's who the movie is making fun of!! And it's not even subtle... I mean christ, they say grace over a table of Dominoes and KFC.

Are you not entertained?!


Because there are way too many morons who find crap like Two and a Half Men hilarious.


AND NASCAR itself. Some of those gags poking fun at racing would be a little offensive if they weren't true. 


Let me explain something for you. Humorless, head up your ass, *beep* liberal northerner. Us in the south, we get it. We understand that this movie was made as satire to insult us, the salt of the *beep* earth.

Here's the problem. We, unlike you, do not take ours lives seriously. We have something called a sense of humor. We are able to laugh at our culture while taking it deadly *beep* serious.

Why? Cause we are better than you, in every way......period.

Now excuse me while I take this this 12 pack of bud light and my ar15 into the woods to have a good time. While you sit here being the miserable *beep* you are hating your life while we love ours.


While the satire is undeniable, I think that there is an element of an homage to it as well. After all, Americana may have elements that people like to laugh at, but hey, we're unashamedly American. Donald Trump could be considered as worthy of mockery for his element of Americanism as well, and they use the French guy to represent "higher society", mocking it too.

"I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free..." -

The show seems to make fun of everyone, and simultaneously is an homage to many things as well.

Ricky Bobby is ultimately a sympathetic character. I think that deep down we all want God, love from our parents, to have strong family ties, an awesome spouse, money, fame - it's all superficial at one level, deeply spiritual on another.

The "Kwan" -

Plus, isn't it cool to see Will Farrel with all his friends making great comedy? The show is sorely missing Steve Carell to give it that extra laugh, otherwise a great film.

"If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!"


I don't get how anyone could not like a movie like this. It's terrifically stupid. It's brilliantly stupid. Ferrell is the absolute master at that. I am most certainly entertained.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


One can say the same thing of Starship Troopers. Some incredibly stupid people actually fail to grasp that it's satire too. It's about as subtle as a flaming elephant farting chainsaws onto your dick, but they still manage to miss the point.

Never trust a black man named "Chip."


I can only speak to myself: I know it's satire, it's just not funny. Nothing they did here stood out in any way. Racing is already made fun of for the exact same reasons this movie makes fun of it for: the advertising, the lowbrow aspect of it, the die hard fans, etc.

You could ask anyone on the streets what the comedic aspects of nascar are and get the exact same things this movie offered up. That doesn't take talent to write, anyone can do it...


....Are you still speaking to yourself?

I can only speak to myself:


..of low brow American commercialism? I mean, someone in a comment below said the movie would only appeal to "people who sit around a bug zapper and sip a 12 pack of Budweiser". No idiot, that's who the movie is making fun of!!

People don't get it because America is full of people who hate the type of person you describe, people who are equally stupid but with pretensions of wealth, sophistication and intelligence delude them into thinking they aren't.

The kind of person who, rather than working a dirty low paying job at 20, just stays in school until they're 35 and think they're proving themselves better because of it.
