Will Ferrell's claim to fame is taking off his clothes and running around in his tightie whities or "buck nekkid". Wow, how entertaining and funny. Hardly. He did it on SNL and it's been a fixture in his movies. His best movie was Stranger than Fiction and that's because it wasn't a "Will Ferrell" movie. His wife says he's not funny at home. I believe it, he's not funny in film and he was seldom funny on SNL. John C. Reilly is a damn good actor, he's got to stop working with Ferrell and Ferrell needs to go away if all he can do is junk like he's been doing. It's particularly funny when someone who likes this junk tries to claim that they're deep and that this is intellectual comedy. This is the opposite of intellectual comedy, it's not even stupid comedy. This is comedy for someone with an IQ below 75. The best part of the movie was John C. Reilly, Amy Adams and Gary Cole and it's not like I'm a big fan of Cole's, and Amy Adam's only because she's so damn cute, not that either had much to work with. Reilly's line, "I've got a pretzel in my head," may have been the funniest line. Actually the funniest part is the ending credits.