My theory: The film appears to jump through time, but it is actually jumping through minds (perception).
1. The reality of Tom (the doctor) actively trying to save Izzy (his wife), but failing to do so.
2. The Mayan/Spaniard portions, which represent/enact Izzy's novel.
3. Everything in the bubble is Tom's spiritual/psychological journey represented symbolically as he tries to finish Izzy's novel.
And the final whatever the viewer wants it to be.
I hope that Tom was able to accept his loss and find peace, and I believe through this process he finds the strength to finish the novel, and by reflecting on their life together he managed to finish the novel properly.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
after 9 years I finally find someone who shares the same theory on the film as me.
although, i don't think the ending is open for interpretation. i think the ending is clear that Tom made peace with his loss.
Tomas finds the ring again, drinks the sap, accepts his death
Tom visits Izzy's grave, says his goodbye, returns to the lab reinvigorated
Bubble Tom achieves enlightenment
i also don't think that whether or not Tom finishes the book matters.... i think the book was just our doorway into Izzy's story. or rather Tom's doorway into his wife's perspective.
God does not build in straight lines.