I haven't seen Pi, but everything else he made sucks! This movie especially! The Wrestler was boring and lame. Requiem for a Dream is overrated, Noah was to pretentious, and Black Swan was practically unwatchable. But again this movie... Oh my god I *beep* HATE IT! I can't understand why everyone thinks this is such a beautiful thoughtful movie. I think the only movie I hate more then this is The Human Centipede.
I am sorry for you. This is one of my favorite movies and I think it is thoughtful and beautiful. I saw it in the theater knowing nothing of the director or what The Fountain was really about. It was one of the most moving experiences in my life and that experience has stayed with me. It was visually stunning. The way the sound played in the theater... Ijust felt every moment, even when it was the silence. Obviously the soundtrack has stayed with me, but I have never again experienced it the way I did in the theater. I could go on. I get why you may not like the movie, but hate is a very strong emotion. Perhaps you exaggerate your dislike, perhaps not. It doesn't mean anything to me anyway. These are just words.
Maybe I was in the midst of a prfound experience in my own young life and I understood the story on an emotional level one can not get by just 'watching a movie'. I don't say that as if to talk down to you either. I am just sharing. Movies mean different things to different people. Like any art, I suppose.
After years of suffering the effects of illness I had no name for, I was finally given a diagnosis. But no cure, sadly, even ten years later. Nothing quite as dramatic as cancer, tho some nights I lie awake, in pain, wishing it would just kill me. I also sat in the theater with a woman with whom I was engaged, on the cusp of spending the rest of our lives together. I looked toward her as we sat in the theater, hoping to see that she experienced a similar experience, but I could tell she was bored. She also left me 4 months later. She did not like that I was diagnosed with an incurable disease and couldn't see spending the rest of our lives together anymore. I was always sad that I did not see her sharing a similar experience as I did in the theater that day. Then I realized that she never looked at me the way Tommy and Izzy looked at one another. Not once. Tho it was painful at the time, I'm glad she left me. I've felt a lot of pain over the years, but emotional pain is still the worst.
Anyway. Why share any of this? I don't know. But I'm sorry for you that the strongest emotion The Fountain elicited in you was hate. I hope some art has resonated in you what The Fountain did with me the day I saw it in the theater, because even ten years later I can still remember how profound an experience it was for me. And I still suffer this horrible disease I carry and usethat experience, among others, when I am in the worst of it. Tho I am mostly hopeless, I still have hope someone will love me like Tommy did Izzy. I still have hope that when I finally die the Universe will open itself to me and draw me toward whatever else may or may not exist after death.
I can't put into words what this movie has done for me. I hope you will one day have such an experience.
Yeah I did. Fight Club. To this day that movie still brings out so much emotion in me that appeals to my inner tormented self. And while I still hate this movie, I do appreciate your experience.
Hate is such a strong word for such a masterpiece of this film. I don't understand the hate but I do understand some people have poor taste in cinema (maybe you).