Let's examine their national "sport" of bullfighting:
In a typical bullfight, the animal is attacked by men on foot and on horseback with lances and barbed harpoons.
The matador forces the confused and exhausted bull to make a few charges before eventually attempting to kill it with a sword. If not killed, the animal is stabbed repeatedly until paralysed. When the bull finally collapses its spinal cord is cut, but the animal may still be conscious as its ears and tail are cut off and kept as a trophy.
Further cruelty takes place away from the gaze of the general public. Bulls are often weakened and disorientated prior to a fight. Many start out being starved for days, being drugged, or by having Vaseline smeared in their eyes to impair their vision.
A bull’s horns may also be shaved before a fight, and the nerve endings in their horns are extremely sensitive. The shaving is often likened to someone having extreme dental treatment with no anaesthetic.
A bullfight is never a fair fight. The animals involved suffer immensely, and all in the name of human entertainment.