MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > Not sure why I keep watching

Not sure why I keep watching

From start I wasn't much into hospial series, but was interested in the romances the doctors and nurses had aside of their jobs.
Fairly early on I saw that storywriters have written even more drama into those romances than into the stories of the patients and I didn't like that.
One after the other all romances got destroyed in the worst possible ways, I hated it every time but for some reason I kept watching.
Some time between season 5 and 10 I began skipping through episodes in fast forward mode when the level of drama became totally unreal. I mean what's the chances that almost all the doctors and head nurses of a hospital become patients of the hospital with the most severe problems more often within a few years than average people are hospitalized throughout their whole lives?
Still to this day I'm watching all episodes, even though I rarely need more than 10 minutes for an episode now.
