Your observations on the episode...
1. Ugh Maggie not everything is about you!! Alex is going through worse stuff and she doesn't see it as series. But seriously when is Meredith gonna tell Maggie! Her and Riggs' scenes tonight were sweet but the fact she's sneaking around and not telling Maggie the truth is annoying and seems mean.
2. Great to have Arizona back. It's nice she's there for both Alex and Deluca. I feel bad for Deluca, he comes across as such a loner these days. There wasn't enough Alex in this episode!
3. Edwards was funny in this episode. I'm warming to her more. I hope they keep her like this.
4. We need more medicine this season. There's too much talking and not enough surgeries.
5. Baby Harriet is so cute and so are Jackson and April. I do feel sorry for Harriet though, because I feel like she's on her way to being put in the 24 hour daycare where we will never see her again!