MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > Your observations on the episode...

Your observations on the episode...

1. Ugh Maggie not everything is about you!! Alex is going through worse stuff and she doesn't see it as series. But seriously when is Meredith gonna tell Maggie! Her and Riggs' scenes tonight were sweet but the fact she's sneaking around and not telling Maggie the truth is annoying and seems mean.

2. Great to have Arizona back. It's nice she's there for both Alex and Deluca. I feel bad for Deluca, he comes across as such a loner these days. There wasn't enough Alex in this episode!

3. Edwards was funny in this episode. I'm warming to her more. I hope they keep her like this.

4. We need more medicine this season. There's too much talking and not enough surgeries.

5. Baby Harriet is so cute and so are Jackson and April. I do feel sorry for Harriet though, because I feel like she's on her way to being put in the 24 hour daycare where we will never see her again!


I was hoping for AZ and April interaction, after all they are best friends


1) It's three episodes into the season and Maggie has gone from mildly irritating to I can't stand to see her on the screen. This Nathan crush has to end soon. She latches onto people and can't let go. Take some of that energy and get to know Webber already.

2) Why do these doctors drag their newborns all over the germ-infested hospital? Yes, I know it's a television show. Yes, I know said parent (Mark, April) is bored at home with the baby. Hey, let's spend the day at the hospital! Yay!

That being said, little Harriet is so adorable.

3) More, more, more with Meredith and Nathan! I love seeing them together. He's cheeky. I like seeing Meredith smile after the two years of post-Derek misery she inflicted on everyone. It's nice that she has someone who understands what she's been through/going through and vice versa for Nathan. Nathan didn't have a history with Derek and that's a plus to me. Please stop trying to force this nonexistent triangle or at the very least, fast forward to Maggie being mad at Meredith so we can get on to better storylines.

4) Finally, someone was concerned with DeLuca's well-being. Thank you, Arizona.

5) Considering the clinic is only open two days a week, I guess every week the show airs happens to be a day the clinic is open? LOLOL

So far, I'm glad Alex understands how much he could possibly lose for his actions. Most of all, he's remorseful. This is another level added to Alex's character development. He'll always be the best developed character on the show. I hope we'll learn more about Alex's childhood this season.
