MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > Something that really annoys me...

Something that really annoys me...

Well, a lot of things annoy me in this show, but this REALLY annoys me!
Why haven't the writers had Mer sit down with Maggie, telling her about Lexie?
I mean, it is such an obvious thing to do, and yet, it hasn't happened. Besides Derek saying "Mer isn't good with sisters" have they really told Maggie anything about her?
I mean, yeah, they could say it happened off screen, but it just bugs me that we didn't see Mer talk to Maggie going like "Look, I'm sorry I'm being so hostile towards you, but the thing is, I already did this whole sister thing, and it was hard to come to terms with working with my half sister, but then we got close and I loved her, and then she freaking DIED in a plane crash, and I spend DAYS with her dead body! So having ANOTHER sister show up, is just waaaay to much for me right now. So I need to take it slow"

Idk... It just seem stupid, something like that didn't happen, on screen.


I'm pretty sure she knows about Lexie. She found out about it the episode that had the planet crash victims in the hospital (the one right bedore Derek died.). At least I'm pretty sure


Yeah, it just annoys me that they didn't took the opportunity to have a conversation about it, before they became friends. That Mer never explained (on screen) why having another sister was hard for her


I completely agree.


At first Maggie pissed me off because she's so stupid. But now I see that that's the writing they have for her. No one explains anything to her. She has no clue. She said last night something about "sister" and it made me realize that Maggie just expects Mer to open up to her and treat her like a little sister and have "slumber party" type of conversations with her and stay up all night giggling and chatting. But if she knew Mer - if they had Mer actually sit down and open up to her, or at least use the simple explanation sentence you suggested, Maggie might get it and back off. But the way they write her, she has all these high expectations for Meredith that Meredith's character just can't uphold to. And instead of explaining that to Maggie, Maggie continues in this fantasy land of one day Mer and I are gonna be BFFs and gossip and be sister-sister. It's getting very annoying and I'm kind of sick of the writing for Maggie because of it.

favorite food: milksteak
favorite hobby: magnets. just magnets
likes: little green ghouls, buddy!
