PLEASE don't drag

the whole Alex thing out for 1/2 the season. Just get it over with. I bet they do and it'll be some shocker right before the mid-season break.

TWITTER @bigdaddy6666


Well we all saw him beat the crap out of Delucca and he didn't have any time to fight back, there were no defensive wounds on him, he was only trying to help Jo. So the only way at a reduced charge is to convince the judge/jury is he thought he was attacking Jo and Alex acted out of protecting her. I do believe he either didn't hear her laugh or thought she was too drunk to comply and was trying to protect her. Whether that is true, that is what he thought.

Alex needs anger management and he acts impulsively especially when provoked or thinking someone has done something wrong. He's protective of those he loves, unconditionally and right or wrong, he thinks he is doing the best thing


With Jo having zero injuries and Delucca having no defensive injuries, as well as Delucca likely remembering that Jo had just turned his attacker's proposal down, Alex would be toast. Jo could hardly deny that she had said no and that Alex wasn't happy about it. Nobody would believe that the later incident was anything but a jealous boyfriend losing it after seeing another guy on bed with the woman he wanted to marry.

If Delucca had been trying to rape Jo, surely Jo would have fought back. This trial would bring the Jason incident back on the table and that guy's life threatening medical condition after Alex thought he was due some lesson then. If Jason was called as a witness, he would describe Alex as a jealous bully (he did bully Jason an entire day to please a patient). Not to mention the little talk about what would happen to his career and reputation even outside any other place he would go to after quitting the place where most board members are Alex's good friends, if he talks to the police.

In the real world, Alex would get prison. In Shondaland, his victim will likely be advised to seek his medical education elsewhere and Alex will not get punished at all.


Trails take time in real life so it only makes sense for it to take time in the show. Besides I don't think too much time has past. Deluca still has bruises on his faces and bruises heal after 3 weeks tops.


Yeah I remember working on those trails at boy scout camp, preserving them in case of erosion and...



You're perverted, twisted, and sick. I like that in a person.


Thanks for pointing out typo smart @$$. It must be great being so perfect


Yeah I remember working on those trails at boy scout camp, preserving them in case of erosion and...

*boy scouts
