I think it's safe to assume Matthew transferred and it's understandable. Imagine being humiliated like that in front of all your co workers you'd never want to go back. I don't know how Stephanie did it.
I do think it would have been nice to show him handing in his letter of resignation and having one last conversation with April. That would have provided better closure for the storyline but it didn't turn out that way.
I still feel bad for Matthew and Stephanie. They really romanticised April jilting Matthew and running off with Jackson and Jackson leaving Stephanie. I know they were in love but that is honestly one of the cruelest things you could do to someone!
Actually, I'm 99% sure that it was stated that he quit out of embarrassment. I believe it was the episode in which Stephanie ran into Jackson with the gurney. April mentions she had tried to call Matthew and his old paramedic partner (Nicole?) told her he quit.
yep. After Steph hit Jackson with the gourney, Jackson and April had a conversation:
April: You don't think she did it on purpose, do you? Jackson: No, I don't think so...maybe. Well, what about you? Did you talk to Matthew? April: Nicole said he quit, and then she called me a name, so that's all I know.
I may have missed or added a word, it's been a little while since I watched the episode.
And even if he came back, he is too hurt and angry and she would never take advantage of that especially if she was still married when she got pregnant. She takes her vows very seriously. I'd more likely accept that maybe that date Jackson went on has the girl come back claiming she's pregnant with his child than April having Matthews baby
I'd think Matthew moved on with his life. If he ever returns, I'd expect him to be married with children. Or he decided to become a priest. Either one would work for me.
Priest sounds good or maybe he did get married and has 5 kids. Next season one of them is in an accident or has a serious health issue and the only place they can take him is GSMH. Alex has to treat him and Matthew and April run into each other and get closure. But not important enough to really bring him back unless they want to mess with April and Jackson.
Matthew's great great great grandmother was African American, so it's possible.
And as for April wouldn't do that to Matthew or Jackson, April is NOT a nice person. Most people like her, but nobody who is genuinely a nice person would walk out on a wedding because some privileged idiot(Jackson) thought it'd be a good idea to declare his feelings at the wedding.
So, you think Matthew had revenge sex with April AFTER she humiliated him in front of his family and friends; ran away with Jackson and married him; gave birth to Jackson's child, Samuel and they lost their baby shortly after; went to two tours of duty; then, came home to try to salvage her marriage with Jackson? Uhhh...
Didn't you originally say the baby was Owen's when she was born because the baby had red hair?
While Grey's asks us to suspend reality A LOT while watching this show, this one is a sure bet. Let Jackson and April have their moment of happiness with little Harriet.