I also hate it when they talk about personal problems while working with a patient.
True. Especially when the patient's needs are ignored in the process. Like when Yang kept talking on the phone to secure an appointnent for a coworker while her patient had worry questions regarding her surgery and her doctor Yang kept walking out on her. Questions that Yang never answered! The patient should have demanded another doctor and Yang should have lost out on that solo surgery. There's no way I'd let a surgeon cut into me while their mind is so clearly elsewhere.
Same with Teddy performing surgeries while burning Yang with questions regarding Henry's last surgery. She was playing what she might have done differently inside her head while Yang had to repeat it step by step for weeks through every single one of Teddy's surgeries. Clearly, Teddy was not(!) focused on the patient on the table, and she sure was not(!) teaching the assisting resident either.