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GREY'S ANATOMY Season 13 Episode 5 Photos Both Sides Now

Promo pics from 13x05


Important news? I'm guessing she finds out that his sister is there before he does?



So are you saying it would have been ok if April had a baby with lets say Alex and she was cut open giving birth to a white baby, but because the baby is bi racial its wrong? Or if it was Maggie who was pregnant and being cut open, would that be ok or wrong?


Not at all. But Shondi has been violently killing white people. And with all the White Privilege BS that she shoved down our throats, that scene with the dirty kitchen knife was making a point.

If she treated the black characters the same way then I wouldn't say anything. As for whinny Maggie, she will never endure anything near that bad.
Bailey is a nasty, arrogant and unprofessional yet, she is a f-ing chief?? Yes, they are all arrogant but Bailey has a mouth on her.

Screw Shondi.


The fact that my post gets deleted is proof that Shondi is hell-bent racist.


You a stupid fool if you think Shondi is looking at this board and you have one well of an ego if you think she - or anyone involved with Grey's - would care what you think.

It's obvious you are an annoying little troll, trying to get attention, anywhere you can.

You are as just as stupid as every other troll that crawls along these message boards, crying about how Shondi hates white people. *beep* that. I'm white and I would kill for a chance to work with her writing team.


You're STILL trying to make this happen? What a loser





I am neither white nor black. But I have been observing blacks whinning and now deleting my post. So I'm just going to say it.. Delete it if you want.

*beep* BABY!




So? If blacks need to stop pissing and whining about race. EVERY RACE has been enslaved and treated like crap. Blacks act like animals!!


Keep trying. It must be embarrassing to not even be good at trolling


Not trolling. It just bothers me that she is doing this. Again, I'm not black or white or Hispanic. I'm just an observer. And I have been watching Black bullcrap for a years now.

Think whatever you want of me. But if Blacks want to succeed then they need to stop whinnying and being violent to EACH OTHER first.


Why does your ethnicity matter? Being a racist pathetic troll trancends all race


Yes I agree. And Shonda is a racist. you dumb *beep*


And you aren't racist?


Owen is charged with watching Harriet? These doctors always trying to make other doctors watch their kids and it's so weird. Bailey did it to Cristina and Zola was passed all over the hospital when she was sick with a fever and daycare wouldn't take her. Have these people never heard of nannies or baby-sitters, you know people who are actually experienced with caring for children?

Baby Harriet sure is cute though!

What the hell is a Stiles?
