Arizona and DeLuca?

Could he be her first?? Was there a little spark there in the elevator?


Not a chance in hell. She just has affection for him as her roommate.


No, she just had compassion for him.


You can give a straight character a same sex romance but even suggesting the other way is possible would be "homophobia."


In this case it wouldn't be homophobia, but it would completely negate everything she said to Callie to help her accept her own sexual orientation. She specifically told Callie that she knew she was a lesbian in middle school or high school and she never questioned it from then on out because there was no question about it


Or maybe she never questioned it because she wasn't forced to by finding a guy she was attracted to? They retconned Callie into bisexual so Arizona being confronted with feelings for a man would contradict nothing. Especially if it throws her too. In our current culture, this is edgier material.


They didn't retcon Callie, it was part of her story. Arizona is gay, period. She thinks penis is icky, so why would she suddenly be sexually attracted to a guy?

She can appreciate a guy's handsomeness, remember she told Derek she understood why everyone called him McDreamy. But she quickly told him she wasn't interested in him. I think she also told Callie she understand her attraction to Mark because he was pretty to look at, but Arizona just isn't into men.

Why would you "force" someone into questioning their sexuality? Would you like someone to do that to you?

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Ugh, some people truly don't get it do they. You would think in this day and age people would educate themselves more!!


I didn't get that vibe at ALL.


I got the vibe that DeLuca assumed she was into him, not so much the other way around. I think Arizona just wants to look after him.


No. He was just happy she wasn't mad at him and was treating him decently.

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I just saw it as him being greatfull he had someone care about him and not avoid him


OH COME ON! Don't try to ungay gay people please.



It's called life. I know gay people that sleep with the opposite sex and hetrosexual people who sleep with the same sex from time to time.

It being human. Arizona has no story and she's not going to run behind Alex all season.

I think it would be great if DeLuca and Arizona became closer friends and then one night kissed. That would be interesting.

One kiss or hook up will not put an end to the gay community sheesh!


Callie is bi, AZ is totally gay.


She's going to have a new love interest who is a woman this season, according to Shonda.


Excuse me....Callie was a straight woman when she was introduced. A VERY straight woman. She banged Mark more than a hammer at a construction site. And all it took was a little remark from Addision and all of the sudden she was all confused and before you know it she was on Erica like white on rice. And then (aside from Mark) she exclusively dated women. Now she was gay. Gay gay gay GAY. It was until seasons later that it was clarified she was bisexual. So I think it's plausible for a life-long Lesbian have a one time straight encounter to at least experiment. Arizona has apparently NEVER been with a man. Maybe she just hadn't met the right one that interested her. Grey's has made it a point to say that sexuality is a sliding scale. So why the hell not let Arizona try being with a man? It certainly would be controversial, but ultimately create buzz for the show. And it would be a groundbreaking risk portraying a real thing that a lot of gay people experienced. A lot of people I know who identify as gay have had straight flings before. I myself am gay and have contemplated being with a girl many times.


Not once has AZ ever been interested in men. She mentioned several times she knew when she was a teenager. And, sorry if she were to wander to the other side briefly, Delucca is not the one. AZ feels compassion, she's angry at Alex, but still loves him. The only thing she really has in common with Delucca is he pays her rent. And if they turn it into she gets really drunk and they do the deed, will make it even worse, because she wouldn't feel that way in the morning


I will NEVER in my life, EVER buy that phrase, "Maybe she never met the right man." Sometimes people are JUST gay. Yah, Kinsey's scale, it's sliding- but there are 2 very polarized sides on each end of that scale, exclusively hetero and exclusively homo. Guessing AZ could easily be more on the Homo side, whereas perhaps you may fall more in the middle. Me, I'm gay. Before I realized it and was ready to admit it to myself and others, I dated men because that was the social norm, like many gay people have done in life. But I became self aware as I matured and I came to accept who I am and I am exclusively now on the Homo side. I would never entertain the thought of hooking up with a man. Could it happen to some gays- absolutely, but not with everyone. I just don't see that in AZ. She's so gay, she gave a huge speech to Callie about it in a past season, how gay she was/is.

Besides, if a man likes women, I could just as easily say, "Maybe you've just never met the right man." And if a woman likes men, I could just as easily say, "Maybe you've never met the right woman." Man-Woman isn't end game, not by a long shot.

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Then why is it so accepted when previously 100% straight characters with NO history of being gay are turned gay by the writers? Case in point, Callie.


That's a valid question. Who knows what her full background story is, or what her internal struggles may have been. I do have to agree though, with your question- how could they change that part of her story without any prior discussions or questions at all? Perhaps she never considered it as an option prior to meeting that character, but it was still deep within her. (Same thing happened with the character Gail on Rookie Blue) Callie was an overtly sexual character. Sometimes people are more sexually fluid because of this fact, more willing to try something. Some people just like sex. I had a friend who identified as straight and dated men but would "hook up" with females and let them do things to her, but she'd never reciprocate because she wasn't interested in the female form- she was just interested in the orgasm. Confusing, I know. But, this isn't true for everyone, and I don't see that being the case for Arizona, at all.

I don't know. I don't know how people come to know themselves and come to terms with their sexuality later in life, so I can't really speak to that particular point. Also- who knows what the writers are thinking- sometimes they pull some crazy stuff out of their butts with no real rhyme or reason.

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