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MSN Article with Prediction about Jo's Husband

So there's a fall TV prediction about Grey's on MSN today:

PREDICTION: Jo’s MIA husband is a character viewers have met before.

Dumb prediction. I would have to say that the writer of the article hasn't been paying attention to the details of Jo's abusive husband story. It would have to be someone who hasn't been around since Jo has been at the hospital. I doubt viewers would even remember some random person from that long ago.



I think its a good idea. Could be interesting. Are their any characters from the past that were abusive, combative, threatening? I can't remember..


What if it was the military Dr Meredith slept with last year??


That dude did have some stereotypical abusive traits.

The Almighty says "don't change the subject, just answer the fuggin question."


He'd be too old for her, wouldn't he?

George might have faked his death though... what a comeback...

I don't think it's someone we know.


The actor who played him is younger than Justin. Scott Elrod is 41.


I was thinking the same thing for a second... Have him be all dark and twisty after being in the Army for so long... having his "death" be part of a secret mission that maybe only Owen, Richard, and Arizona knew about... and now he's back, but he does;t know that he's George due to what was done to hi during the secret mission! Hmm... it has been 7 years since he "died", so... that could explain his aging. Hmmm.. Imagine the story line there if that was the case!


if they went that route though, they'd lose fans so fast their heads would spin!

(since replies get a bit muddled on imdb, this is in response to george having been her abusive ex).

favorite food: milksteak
favorite hobby: magnets. just magnets
likes: little green ghouls, buddy!


Jo met him. She was part of the team operating at his hospital.


I just don't know who it'd be. A former patient from a past episode? That would be so random, but idk who else they'd go with


It would have to be someone random because Jo is hiding from him, so she obviously wouldn't have seen him.

🇺🇸🇮🇪Google is your friend.🇮🇪🇺🇸


It was Alex's ex girlfriend Lucy that she was married to. That's why she doesn't want to tell him.

TWITTER @bigdaddy6666


Callie had a patient who was starving herself and working out to the point where she broke bones to lose weight for her boyfriend despite already being thin, the girlfriend died and Callie called him out, he was clearly abusive, I can't think of any other DV story line.

being normal is not necessarily a virtue... It rather denotes a lack of courage!


Yeah, I can't recall anyone either that would fit.

🇺🇸🇮🇪Google is your friend.🇮🇪🇺🇸


This guy everyone seemed to like and she made it appear he had money


The thing about this is, there's been so many characters coming and going on grey's. there's no way i'd be able to recognize a side character that was once on show previously just on sight so if they're going for something shocking like that with a minior character (family member of patients, etc) that wouldn't make sense. but that doctor we saw, i would remember him on sight i think. but someone mentioend jo was on that team that helped in the surgery (i really can't recall) so wouldn't they have recognized each other?

favorite food: milksteak
favorite hobby: magnets. just magnets
likes: little green ghouls, buddy!


There has to more to the back story. If this guy was this abusive, he also had to be very obsessed with her, otherwise, after all these yrs why would he care, unless if she had something on him, he'd want to stay away from her. I suspect, maybe when she ran away, she took all his money or did something else for him to hold a grudge. She could have fought back and put him into the hospital. If he has all this money, he could have tracked her down years ago.she was vying for that grant and if she got it, I'm sure her name and picture would make it to the papers, so she could be found that way. Same if she graduated top of her class, something must be out there about her. She is still very young and I'm sure he would know she would be set out to be a Dr. All he would have to do is try to track her that way.

Also if she is so afraid of this guy, she probably has kept tabs on him (unless he changed his name too) and knows where he is and is doing everything to avoid him, so he probably wouldn't be in Seattle.


Maybe it's the Ambulance Driver who had the Swastika on his stomach....


I doubt she'd date a man like him


Good point... and now that I think about it, he was on in Season 4 and then she must have been in High School... I was just thinking of someone that we've seen before... Hmmm
