everyone is only mad at karev and treating her like she was a victim or something? he reasonably believed she was being taken advantage of...that was his first initial thought, not that she was cheating or whatever...but sure. whatever this story line totally make sense. the government would totally waste government funds and go for a felony charge against a doctor with a clean record...yup. totally makes sense
Now I am not a Jo fan, I would be happy to see her leave the show, but Jo didn't do anything in this situation. She didn't tell Alex she was being assaulted, he assumed (and I'm still skeptical that that's not just an excuse he's using). As soon as Alex questioned her on whether or not DeLuca was taking advantage of her she immediately said that wasn't the case. She didn't tell Alex to beat DeLuca within an inch of his life. Alex almost killed him. You think he should just get off scot free?
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he also spend time in juvie? I can't remember what for, though.
Oh i'm not saying she did anything to deluca but she did do something to alex. she knew exactly who she was with and telling him the truth would have avoided ALL of this. she comes clean to some random a$$ dude and then turns to alex like hes a monster..cool.
also juvie records are NOT allowed to effect you. those records are SEALED when the person turns 18. so it doesn't matter, its not admissible in court. no state would have allowed a felony assault charge.
We don't know when the abuse to Jo happened or what she did to her husband, only that Jo is not her real name and she left to get away from him. Also Jo has admitted to at least one other time she put a guy in the hospital and I doubt it was before she was 18.
Point is most likely none of this would have happened if she had told Alex from when they got serious or when she beat up Jason. He would have understood and protected her. She would have been with him at the wedding, not getting moopy and drinking because he walked out.
Alex need to answer for his actions, but not to they extent they are charging him with.
jo shoud have just come clean man...shes just a liar and doesn't deserve sympathy. if everyone really knew the truth...itd be a dfferent story
of course he needs to answer for his actions, people seem to think we want him to walk off scot free. he walked into HIS home with someone on top of his fiance...hmmm my father wasn't abused and emotionally disturbed like alex was growing up but hed have the same damn reaction if he saw someone on top of my mom
thats not how america works though, so you can either accept our justice system or not. that's why we have heat of passion or defense of others defenses. because people are not black and white. so yeah someone with a clean record should be given more benefit of the doubt opposed to someone repeatedly charged with the same charge
This is Grey's Anatomy, of course Jo can't just open up to Alex and tell him what she told DeLucca. That'd be too easy. Just like why Mer won't tell. Maggie about her and Riggs. I think Jo is definitely partly responsible but Alex deserves to be punished. He had no reason to believe Jo was being attacked or taken advantage of and even if he did he nearly killed DeLucca and could've ended his career as a surgeon. She was yelling at him to stop but he kept beating him and if I recall DeLucca tried to tell him he had the wrong idea. He just didn't care to listen.
to play devil's advocate here..if he thought she was cheating on him...of course she'd tell him to stop and hes wrong just so she could get away with it. he snapped. she knows hes capable and the messed up part is...shes capable as well and she's looking at aledx like hes a monster. she'd have done the same thing
Except he didn't think they were cheating. He thought DeLucca was attacking/forcing himself on Jo and yes that would spark a "Alex stop" response. He walked in and saw DeLucca on top of Jo who was drunk and immediately jumped to the conclusion and responded with his fists.