Confused. Spoiler.

The actress that plays Amelia is pregnant. So, why isn't Amelia? False negative?


Not every pregnancy gets written into the show... The actress who plays Arizona just had a baby and clearly Arizona never did...


I have a feeling that Amelia is really pregnant (which she may not be happy about) WTF does Owen end up w/women who don't want children when he clearly WANTS children, and even Amelia spoke to him a couple of episodes ago about wanting children w/him so WHY was she "elated" that she wasn't pregnant? I swear b/w Meredith's attitude speaking about the "loss of her child" tonight and Amelia acting the way she is they both need to be on medication for some kind of disorder.


I don't think the issue is that Amelia doesn't want children. I think her "elation" as you put it, had to do with the baby she had on Private Practice that died. I think she was happy at first and then as the day went on she started to think about it (especially after Meredith brought up Derek dying before he even knew about Ellis) and the memories of her dead baby and dead baby-daddy started to come back, and she started to get scared. It's not that she doesn't want kids with Owen, she's just terrified something will go wrong again. That's my theory, anyway.

What the hell is a Stiles?


I thought that way, too.

I need a nap...


Yes, but why even have the "I might be pregnant; no I'm not" mini-story? It seemed a bit unnecessary if they weren't going to write it in.

I could be wrong now....but i don't think so!


I just saw the episode where she was late and did the test (5) and I don't know if 6 has been on yet or not. But from the makers' perspective, there is already a new born on the show, do they really need another so soon? They already did that with Sophia and Zola I think. And it's really weird that Mer's kids never show up while we see plenty of scenes at her house. Tuck is ok, we don;t go to Baileys place much and if we do it's usually bed scenes anyway but I think it's really weird to not see Mer fuss with her kids when she is getting ready for work in the morning. I want for Owen and Amelia to have kids, but I don't want the writers having to juggle more of them around..


What makes you so sure she won't find out she's pregnant next week?


I think it was a false negative. I do think it'll come back positive in the next episode or so.
