Jo & Delucca

So they are going to have a secret club and talk about things they aren't supposed to. The only thing she seem to care about is him keeping her secret. Then she acts like a spoiled child when she is called to the clinic like Alex specifically asked for her.

Alex needs therapy and maybe community service, but not a felony charge and since I love Alex and don't care for either Jo or Delucca, I hope they are caught talking to each other sharing secrets or stuff about the case and then it gets thrown out because it could look like they were in cahoots or something.


more proof that jo is trash honestly. i've never liked her. she put delucca in this position and is now being his buddy? cmon


I feel like they're putting those two together. Something about the way she looked at him. Hell, she's already been more open and honest with him than she has in like the five years she was with Alex. I'm fine with a jo-deluca pairing. They're both boring but pretty and it would get her the hell away from Alex.


I'm fine with a jo-deluca pairing. They're both boring but pretty and it would get her the hell away from Alex.
Everybody wins 

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."



I am breaking the rule of "if you do not have anything nice to say don't say anything at all." Advance apologies.

Jo seems like a manipulator. She bragged about her con abilities. She showed Alex her con abilities (one time at a hotel conning guests services for another guest's room key - she should have been arrested for that).

When Jo overhears DeLuca tell Arizona "I can't talk about the case Chief's orders," Jo is shown makimg an incendiary face that are seen on fomenters.

The Machiavellian, Jo, deviously slithers herself next to DeLuca to say, "Bailey told me too. Not to say anything. But, uh, I don't have anyone to talk to besides you. And I know that Bailey said not to say anything but it's like."

Bailey is down the hall - these people gossip amongst each other in patient rooms - however, The Machiavellian, Jo, and DeLuca break apart upon seeing Bailey like a pair of stooges. Again, Bailey cannot hear them - they could be talking about anything. This nervous act has to be part of Jo's bogus sketch: Operations Dupe & Defraud DeLuca.

The contrived manner the Machiavellian, Jo, connivingly slithers next to DeLuca looks very calculated.

Jo is taking advantage of a conversation she overheard between Arizona and Deluca - capitalizing on it to benefit Jo's current swindle.

Has Bailey approached Jo instructing Jo not to talk about the case? Or is Jo lying about this too? It seems as though Jo is working another con - build DeLuva's trust, get DeLuca to talk about the case (probably in the OR Gallery with tbe speaker on).

There was nothing honest, pure or forthright concerning Jo when she overheard DeLuca and Arizona - then waited to pounce on one of her victims, DeLuca, to tell him "Bailey told me not to talk too. I need to talk and I need you DeLuca."

Where is Jo's misleading sweet talking heading? What type of con job is Jo in the process if working (this time)?

Nore importantly, why doesn't Jo keep out of it? She has already shown that she is the champion troublemaker.

Now that we see Jo in the process of working her cons - I wonder how many times Jo has swindled viewers?

Jo should be called Joment as she foments trouble, foments discontent, foments discontent.

Hope the writers do not attempt to make "Joment" into something that she is not. We have heard her brag about being a con artist, bragging about beating people.


You should be a writer for the show



You should be a writer! You come up with imaginative plots and character direction.

It just seems as though Jo is up to something -/) approaching Deluca as she did and using the conversation she overheard.

What is Jo's motivation? To get DeLuca to talk about the case and get DeLuca in trouble?

Why can't this woman be honest about herself, her present, and her past?

SarahKSeraSera, You have a writer's "touch." Hope you are enjoyinh your weekend!


Thank you. I used to dabble in writing in high school and college and for fun on some shows I watch I "re-write" lyrics to fit certain characters on the show with various songs, lol
Good weekend for you too


i think Jo & Delucca are gonna hook up.


If it keeps her away from Alex fine and maybe they can use it against them for Alex case since they are not supposed to be talking about it to anyone and Jo has already told Delucca more about herself then she ever told Alex.
