Owen + Amelia

Does anyone actually like them together? I just don't see a connection with them. They're far from a Derrick/Grey or Owen/Christina. It's almost like they were just thrown together since we lost both great couples. Even Alex and Jo do not seem good together. Who do you think may be a great couple we'd all love again? And while I didn't agree with Avery and April they may be the last decent one.


I guess my main issue with Owen and Amelia's relationship is, we didn't see their relationship progress. They were on this on-again/off-again roller coaster, which looked more off than on most of the time. Then, they were getting married out of the blue (although, it was mentioned they had been riding the roller coaster for two years). I like both characters for the most part, but they seemed more like very supportive friends than romantic.

The latest episode showed more signs of the roller coaster by the two not knowing much about each other. However, I saw them in a different light with their conversation in bed. Amelia was open about Ryan and Owen was open about Cristina. They connected. It reminded me of their scene when Amelia trusted Owen and didn't relapse after Derek's death.

I wish the writers would add a pregnancy to the script for these two. I want Owen to find some happiness on this show. He was great with Ethan. Amelia has always been great with Derek and Meredith's kids. A child would be good for both of them.

All the hope I have is pinned on Jackson and April. I would like to see Meredith and Nathan together, but my patience is wearing thin with the Maggie triangle. I'm guessing this season won't pick up until the second half like last season. I'm a bit bored with the episodes.


I don't see a spark with them. They have moments that are sweet but they lack chemistry. It's like they were thrown together because everyone else was taken. Their on again off again status irritated me to no end last season. I just can't seem to care about them at all.

I've never liked Alex and Jo together.

Bailey and Ben although sweet are dull. And I've never found myself rooting for them. They're just 'there'.

I liked Deluca and Maggie together. They felt new and fresh. We never really see female attendinga in official relationships with interns. The relationship both made them more likeable. Then they broke up for a stupid reason and haven't shared a scene since. Now this season Maggie's annoying me and so is Deluca in a way. He needs to stay away from Jo!

I sort of want to see Maggie and Alex together. I think he could ground her and make her a better, less self-absorbed person and Alex could be in a relationship where there were no secrets and no baggage.

Meredith and Riggs are meh. I'd rather her with Alex. But if Shonda wants to keep them as best friends then it's fine by me. I just don't want Alex to end up with Jo.


Yes! I would really like to see Maggie and Alex together!

Also, I could see Deluca and Jo (even though that would be super weird if Maggie and Alex were together because it would be a partner swap...but stranger things have happened on Grey's).

I don't really care about Meredith and Riggs at all...they are trying so hard with the "will they/won't they?" and from what I can tell from reading the board this season...NO ONE CARES!

But basically ANYTHING is preferable to watching Owen and Amelia's non-existent relationship...I really think they were just like... let's put Owen with someone...ANYONE...hey, Amelia will do...who cares if the actors have NO chemistry whatsoever ...or that the characters dated for like 30 seconds and then just randomly decided to get married one day...and THEN it turns out they don't even know anything about each other...but these are supposed to be grown-@ss people in their 30's and 40's?! ...smh


I was pissed in this last episode when Owen was all "you wanna have kids" or whatever cuz I'm like they seriously didn't have a conversation about kids!? Like HOW Owen??!?! You obviously want kids and that was a big thing in your first marriage that you didn't have that conversation. I just can't

I didn't like Amelia/ Owen and Amelia that much until I re watched last season then I didn't mind, but this season no!!! Hey don't work! I feel like they are focused on covering Caterina's pregnancy and the storyline is suffering because of it


They're awful together. No chemistry whatsoever and ITA that their marriage seemed so rushed and out of left field. Cristina leaving was one of the worst things to happen to Grey's, we're still feeling the aftermath with this dumb relationship.


Phew! I'm glad I'm not the only one. Most of you seem to agree with me. I really do miss Cristina! I did like her with Burke to begin with, but then that actor had to be a stupid a$$ and lose his part. So then I connected to her and Owen! She was Owen's best even though they had ups and downs!

I don't mind Amelia herself, but I cannot stand her with Owen.

Honestly, as another poster brought them up, I didn't even like Callie and Arizona. They didn't grab my attention like others either. I just had a sour taste in my mouth about April b/c of how she got with Avery. Putting the poor paramedic through such a horrible situation and leaving him at the altar for another. And then they also hurt Edwards who I thought was cute with Avery. But maybe if that hadn't happened, I would like Avery & April.


April is one of my most hated characters LOL. She just reminds me of a little goody two shoes, brown nosing ass kisser. When she went to war or whatever she did she FINALLY became likeable, and now she's regressing back into the same thing.

I honestly do not care about her and Avery one bit. I thought the C section scene was crazy well done though, kudos to her for that. But other than that I could really do without her.

And yes what they did to the paramedic was awful. It was played off as romantic but could you imagine if it had been played out with say, Cristina being shut down at the altar and Owen running off with Teddy or something like that? It'd be a totally different perspective. But because we barely knew the paramedic and everyone hated Edwards (myself included) it was almost as if it was no big deal to break their hearts like that.


Don't agree. Owen and Cristina were split up before Cristina ever left, and they weren;t going to get back together imo so her leaving and Owen/Amelia-ship are separate events and cannot be linked like that.
Owen was great at the start but I think Cristina broke him, he has gotten so soft and sad since he was with her. It's like he just got out of a dysfunctional relationship. And it was dysfunctional. Don't get me wrong, I liked Owen/Cristina a lot back then. But they were dysfunctional because they could never really open up to each other and especially Cristina but Owen too could never put each other before everyone/everything else. I feel like Owen is a female character in a male body. He needs to toughen up and go back to how he was in the beginning. Bad-ass with awesome inventive medical ideas.


Jackson and April are definitely the last of the couples now. With Callie gone, that's the end of Arizona/Callie for now as well. I really hope they don't have Jo and Alex reconcile, or keep Amelia and Owen together, they're just horrible couples. If they won't break Owen and Amelia up, then have them both leave the show, I really don't like either of them.


I'm on the fence with Owen, but I don't care for Amelia, much less the 2 of them together. But if she leaves they need a new Neuro God & I don't see that being Edwards, who I also don't care about. They need fresh blood and while I don't care for Nathan either he could have been the Neuro one. If Owen were to leave, I think April has had enough experience and is capable to take over Trauma. They are top heavy with characters and they usually whittle down the interns now to 2-3. They haven't used Cross, who I don't like either, (so really the only intern that is seen is Delucca.)so maybe they can have someone be in charge of interns and then they are heard about, but not seen until they become residents.


I definitely agree with you regarding April.


I don't really care about Owen, he is bland and completely un-sexy (anytime he is kissing somebody he looks like he's eating their face). Amelia is pathetic, I used to like her a lot, but now she is boring as well.

I've hated Jo since the day one, the actress is horrible and she has no spark whatsoever with Alex.

Even though I don't like April, she is bearable this season and I really like her with Jackson.

I don't mind Mer and Nathan, Martin Henderson is great (i know him from Off the Map) and he could make Mer more human again. She is like a walking corpse now.

Testing is organized skepticism


with owen and amelia there's just no big spark or fire. as annoyed with derek as i got at times, there was a spark between him and meredith and i rooted for them. just as there's a spark between april and jackson. maybe it comes down to the actors not really having chemistry. when april and jackson are on screen, i feel the tension and the passion between them even when they're angry with each other. with owen and amelia there's no spark, there's no fight. they just exist together and it's kind of a stark contrast between the other couples.

favorite food: milksteak
favorite hobby: magnets. just magnets
likes: little green ghouls, buddy!


I guess I'll be in the minority then, but I do like Owen and Amelia together. I've always liked the chemistry and thought that it was a great idea to have Owen move on to someone like Amelia.

However, I haven't liked the writing for them. It's been all over the place; theyve never actually dated? for longer than two episodes. before arguing and breaking up or...getting hitched. I know there's time gaps and whatnot but we haven't actually seen them *together* in a stable relationship for even half a season. Compare that to Jolex who were together for like three seasons, w a lot of stability and frankly, normality...and even THEY didnt end up getting engaged/married/pregnant. It makes no sense.

But if we were to be fair, Cristina/Owen were somewhat similar. They got married after a season of an emotional roller coaster ride in their relationship. They got married bc of her PTSD and I never saw that jump as being healthy either.

Anyways, at the end of the day, I do root for Omelia (I want Owen to be happy and Amelia to not be depressed and annoying af) but I wouldn't be too surprised if they ended up splitting.

A rose is just a rose.


Maybe that's why some of us don't like them together. Because we haven't seen them build up together. So we question how they even got that close to want to marry each other already and hope to have kids.


I have always hated Owen and Amelia together. No chemistry and it makes no sense at all. They were just like thrown together for the show.


For me it seemed like it was all about sex and to be honest I don't even remember them saying "I love you" all that often.

I can't stand the character of Jo (nor the actress who plays her). I find her very selfish and immature. Where most interns are 29/30 years old and residents are generally in their early 30's. She's not believable as a surgeon and I wouldn't let her touch me. She acts like a spoiled brat most of the time. I'm just hoping now her husband will show up and she'll run again. I liked Jackson and April together, she can be a little neurotic and too whiny at times but he seemed stable and very caring. Will Harriet bring her parents together or will Catherine butt her nose in again? I know a lot of people want Meredith to remain a widow but I like her and Nathan Riggs, he's no McDreamy but maybe a McStreamy Jr. But, I have a feeling that some obstetrical will get in the way, the same way they did for Meredith and Derek. Seeing Owen's sister showing up suddenly or Meredith doesn't want to hurt Maggie. Whatever the soap opera is this week. I would like to see more medical stuff and less of the dramatic relationships. I like Bailey and Ben but not together. They seem like such an odd pair at times.
