I guess my main issue with Owen and Amelia's relationship is, we didn't see their relationship progress. They were on this on-again/off-again roller coaster, which looked more off than on most of the time. Then, they were getting married out of the blue (although, it was mentioned they had been riding the roller coaster for two years). I like both characters for the most part, but they seemed more like very supportive friends than romantic.
The latest episode showed more signs of the roller coaster by the two not knowing much about each other. However, I saw them in a different light with their conversation in bed. Amelia was open about Ryan and Owen was open about Cristina. They connected. It reminded me of their scene when Amelia trusted Owen and didn't relapse after Derek's death.
I wish the writers would add a pregnancy to the script for these two. I want Owen to find some happiness on this show. He was great with Ethan. Amelia has always been great with Derek and Meredith's kids. A child would be good for both of them.
All the hope I have is pinned on Jackson and April. I would like to see Meredith and Nathan together, but my patience is wearing thin with the Maggie triangle. I'm guessing this season won't pick up until the second half like last season. I'm a bit bored with the episodes.