I feel like there needs to be another WOW moment, like the shooting or the plane crash. The last WOW moment IMO was Derek's death, but IIRC that was leaked, plus Derek was so unlikeable by that point I was actually glad he was killed off.
They're never gonna top the plane crash, but they need a new large scale tragedy that involves all the characters and brings everyone together. Maybe a plane crashing INTO the hospital? How awful does that make me sound LOL. But Grey's is a DRAMA, which is definitely lacking lately.
No more planes. The had the big one with Lexie dying and then later Mark, and a few yrs later a small plane crash which brings back memories for Meredith & AZ.
Season 1 Addison arrives and they find out she is married to Derek. I read that PD did no know of this s/l until the last day of filming 3. Ferryboat accident and Burke leaving 4. Callie coming out as bi, tumor trial, and house of candles 5. Love letters and George dying 6. Mercy Westers, Valentine's Day Massacre and the hospital shooting 7. Callie Car crash, Meredith messing with the trial and Alex ratting her out 8. Plane crash 9. Dealing with the aftermath & buying the hospital 10 Super storm & Meredith C-Section 11. Jackson stops the wedding, they are married, Christina leaves New sister (the small plane crash bringing back memories) Japril lose baby, Derek dying 12. Japril breakup, Meredith getting attacked, reveal of Jo being married and Alex beating up Delucca. Callie leaving So now in 13 they have the Maggie/Rigss/Mere triangle (yawn), Alex/Delucca aftermath. But what to come up with on a new catastrophe?
Ferry boat, George dying, Hospital shooting, Plane crashes, Super storm, Meredith attack, Delucca Attack.
Do earthquakes happen in WA? Maybe Meredith's house gets struck by lightning and Mere, Alex, Maggie are all there, (really sad) but maybe Harriett gets kidnapped and because Avery's have money they ask for ransom and Japril bond together, But what I think would be great is to have Owen's sister show up alive.
Ya the past few seasons have been meh as far as the big moments. Cristina leaving was the biggest thing to happen in S11. S12 was quite lame, the attack on Mer was crazy but it was resolved in a couple episodes and hasn't been mentioned since then.
An earthquake would be interesting. They could kill off some of the interns (which they seem to like doing). Cross comes to mind as someone I could really do without. I did however really like the whole Ben / C section in the hallway storyline, that was really well done and felt very...dramatic? Not the best word.
But yes an earthquake would be interesting, maybe a hurricane? Idk how often Seattle sees them (I don't think very often) but I'm sure Shonda could make it work somehow, we've seen stranger things happen lol.
You're right. It needs a big shocker, something that will make your jaw drop jolt you and make you say "What the?"
A fire or bombing inside the hospital? I know they've been done before, though. Earthquake sounds good. Blizzard? Whatever it is, this show needs something to wake it up!
Earthquake was done, although it was just a minor one in Season 11. But I doubt they'd repeat it. It was after Hermann's surgery when Owen and Webber were instructing a little girl on the phone to save her mother.
You missed out a couple of disasters (but I don't remember the seasons which they happen). The bomb in the body, that's one of my personal favourites. The hospital leak/flood (when George retook his intern test) The sink hole where the man had to saw off his wife's leg. The train where the two patients were impaled. Denny's character arc.
I feel like the new seasons are missing the 'wow' factor of disasters or interesting patients.
I think the show is too heavy with characters. Maybe they could have some terrible ebola, plague, super infection virus thing sweep the hospital and take out a few doctors in the process.
Not a bad idea. I agree it is top heavy with characters and I could see getting rid of at least 4-8 characters. Have some sort of outbreak where they have to quarantine the hospital and a few main characters bite the dust while others survive and reconnect.
LOL YES!! Stephanie is one of the only people who has never become likeable to me personally. Jo has her moments but Stephanie is just irritating for some reason.
I want a disaster to wipe out Riggs, Amelia, and Richard. They're the least likable/interesting characters, and I'd rather see people mourning over them than seeing them on my screen. I'd want the same for Mer but the woman's got three kids, so I can't have that.