Is Jo likable?

I can honestly say I've warmed up to the characters. I warmed up to Addison who was Derek's wife and she turned out to be very likable. I warmed up to Callie... who turned out to be likable. I warmed up to Mark... who turned out to be likable. We warmed up to a lot of characters and most are likable. Riggs has turned out to be likable...annoying but likable. Why hasnt Jo been likable? I just can't seem to warm up to her. She's been on the show for several seasons and she's as boring and unlikable as she was when she first appeared.


B/c even though those characters may have had flaws, they all have likable qualities, IMO Jo doesnt.


The actress is awful imo. That has a lot to do with it.


Jo is a poorly developed character. She irritates me because she doesn't serve any purpose except to be Karev's love interest and to whine.

The writers have missed opportunities to give her substance. She's supposed to be a former foster child/homeless teen that made her life better through education and hard work. Sounds good, but Jo is not believable with that background. As the other interns agreed, she's too prissy. Why doesn't she keep in touch with Ms. Schmidt, even if it's a call at the holidays? I'd like to hear more about Ms. Schmidt.

Jo's abusive husband storyline could have been introduced when she beat up Dr. Jason Myers aka Chest Peckwell. It could have tied a child abuse and domestic abuse storyline together for her.

Jo supposedly loves Ortho, but she was never shown breathing, eating and sleeping Ortho like Callie. Callie was happy to finally have someone take interest in Ortho. Why wasn't Jo shown in Ortho learning from Callie more often? Stephanie has been shown with Cristina (Cardio) and Callie (Ortho) level love for Neuro.

It's not that she's a bad doctor, either. Jo showed promise when Dr. Webber was an in-patient; with the burn victims; and trying to get Alex's dad sober.

Jo hasn't been given anything that would/could/should endear her to me, in my opinion. I'll see where this husband storyline goes, but I don't have much faith to be honest. I do like the running joke of her not being anyone's favorite intern/resident. I get a chuckle out of that every time.


I agree with all of this. We have seen literally nothing from Jo that makes her endearing or personable. She's just... around. Compare her to Alex, who also comes from a rough background, but then you see him showing his heart of gold, like the way he interacts with kids or the time he tried to cheer up Maggie after DeLuca dumped her, and you go "Aww, yeah, he IS a good guy." We have not had one single moment like that with Jo.

What the hell is a Stiles?


Camilla is an aweful actress so I wonder if thats why Jo doesnt get any other material than just Alex's girlfriend, which she isnt anymore so.....she really serves no purpose now. They really just need to get rid of her. We've had much better interns they got rid of in the past.


I think the writers gave up on the last two batches of interns until they realized they should do something with these characters. With the original interns, we learned about them over time. With the last two batches, information was/is dropped and the characters were/are forgotten until something is mentioned about them further down the road. They're not incorporated into the show on a regular basis. I know it's a teaching hospital, but why keep hiring (and firing) new people to let them sit idle?


With the revolving doors and at times the cast is getting top heavy, they should have the Jo or Steph be chief Resident or someone else and then they just talk about the interns, then at a later point bring in someone as a resident. They really haven't had much of a story line (besides Delucca getting beat up) and that has nothing to do with the hospital and medicine. Besides Lexie, they didn't do too much with the other interns except a couple of scenes with Steve and some others. Did they wash out, leave or what? I think the last time we saw Steve was Trauma Training. Then in season 9 after the crash they had the new batch and tried to recreate the original ones with the Appendix tradition, but not a lot of growth other than poor Jo story. Now we have Delucca & Cross (who is practically non existent), but he hasn't served much medically. He moved in with AZ, hooked up with Maggie and got beat up by Alex. When has he showed true skills in the OR? They should stop bringing in interns and just talk about them in passing.


The writers have missed opportunities to give her substance.

It kind of fits in with what her character is supposed to be, aka closed off and not talking about private stuff to most people, but that's a character that really harms a drama in the long run if it never changes.

I could like Jo. I want to like Jo. But we should have seen more about her past earlier, should have seen more of the stuff that she likes - and should have seen her take a real interest in surgery.
But the thing is, since season 9, not only the interns but also the attendings have not been shown to really take much of an interest in medicine. Not the way the interns/residents used to until season 8. Where Lexie wore diapers in surgery so she wouldn't have to take pee breaks. Where everyone bickered and raced over patients and procedures.
I get that the attendings would slow down, but the interns? They have not been shown to be as invested in their work as the first interns around Meredith were back then.
And I am afraid that substracts a lot from their characters, because it destroys so many opportunities to grow them.

She's supposed to be a former foster child/homeless teen that made her life better through education and hard work. Sounds good, but Jo is not believable with that background.

She is unbelievable with that background not because of how she acts (THAT could be learned to project a certain image to get what she wants) - she is unbelievable because it is impossible.
A healthy white baby that's just two weeks old and was abandoned at a fire station would NEVER linger in foster care. It would have been adopted before it's first birthday.
Unless Jo was sick as a child, physically or mentally, or given back by adopters for some odd reason (Happens. Friend of mine's sister was given up for adoption, few months later was diagnosed with a heart defect and the potential adopters (not finalised then) gave her back to her mother. Funny thing, turned out there was nothing wrong with her heart) when she was past the baby stage, she would NEVER have lingered in foster care. Ever.

Which is why I am hoping that Jo's story is actually made up and that her background is actually a little different than she first described it, and maybe she lied about some things to cover her tracks or something.

Why doesn't she keep in touch with Ms. Schmidt, even if it's a call at the holidays? I'd like to hear more about Ms. Schmidt.

But don't forget, the families of the other interns/residents also almost never make an appearance unless someone dies. Jo keeping in touch with Ms. Schmidt could be like Stephanie calling her parents - never mentioned, just assumed to happen behind the scenes.
And yes, they could drop lines about it every now and then, but if they do that all the time, it would get clunky.

Jo's abusive husband storyline could have been introduced when she beat up Dr. Jason Myers aka Chest Peckwell. It could have tied a child abuse and domestic abuse storyline together for her.

The thing I don't get about that storyline is how she ever fell for that douche in the first place. Shouldn't she have had the experience to tell how he really was?
Seems contrived in hindsight.

Jo supposedly loves Ortho, but she was never shown breathing, eating and sleeping Ortho like Callie.

None of those interns/residents have ever been shown to breath, eat and sleep a specialty. Even Leah Murphy's love of cardio was told, not shown.
At least it's consistent in it's bad writing.

Jo hasn't been given anything that would/could/should endear her to me, in my opinion.

Honestly, I think that applies to ANY character introduced for the first time after season eight (With the exception of Ancient Guy, Doctor Thomas).
Riggs? Not endearing.
Pierce? Not endearing.
Penny? Repulsive.

The only character I can say was endearing of all of those was Heather Brooks. She was funny, quirky, and kind of like George but not in a copy kind of way. In her own way.

The show basically revolves around the characters that were there at least during the time of the Seattle Grace/Mercy West merger. And while they managed to introduce interesting and endearing characters since then, it has gone downhill since season nine with that.

I do like the running joke of her not being anyone's favorite intern/resident. I get a chuckle out of that every time.

I find it annoying, but I hope Catherine Avery will finally serve some purpose besides being a total biatch and point that out as one of the flaws of the Grey Sloan as a teaching hospital. It is counterproductive behaviour when the goal is to raise good surgeons, it is demeaning when the goal is to make a good surgeon out of Jo, and it is disrespectful to anyone. Also, it is childish in a way even the attendings shouldn't behave.


To me she's never been likeable. From the beginning she has whined and acted prissy. I have seen no signs of character development from her either.

Her ortho pairing with Callie was weird because it was literally mentioned twice. I don't think she's right for peds either. That's Alex's territory! I think she'd be better off working in plastics as a specialty. The last time she showed any promise as a surgeon was working with the burn victims. Which is terrible because that was season 11 and we're now on season 13!


they aren't even *trying* to make her likable. they write her purposefully as unlikable and then make her storylines about how no one can really stand her. the doctors don't want her around. she whines. alex doesn't want her around. she whines. i don't understand the point of a character like this?

favorite food: milksteak
favorite hobby: magnets. just magnets
likes: little green ghouls, buddy!


I really like Jo but the writers need to write stories for her

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.
