Bailey is so unprofessional and NASTY ...spoiler
after the old woman said "no its my liver" "screw her" (oh what a nice granny she is, huh? I mean she could've been a little more sensitive towards the other patient who needs the liver LIKE NOW so saying "screw her" was so out of place coming from this old woman- yeah I know she's been on the waiting list for 3 years and understand that). What I hated was Bailey turning around looking at Meredith and Webber partially sticking her tongue out like - you lose, I win) I've been sick of Bailey for the longest time and had sympathy for her when she had that "mental breakdown" or whatever the story line was about her back then, yeah I forgot. Its just I also hate the way Bailey speaks to her husband or should I say ORDERS him around like he's a dumbass - he's too fine and sweet to put up w/her crap; he's OWNED up to his mistakes but Bailey's made plenty over the years as well but I've NEVER seen her OWN up to hers and I've NEVER missed an episode; SORRY SO LONG - just that "partially sticking her tongue out" has made me realized that Bailey isn't fit to run the hospital b/c she's too immature for the job!