MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > catherine is not a dragon

catherine is not a dragon

she is a snake. plain and simple
she might work with penises and balls but she doesn't have any


Lol Ikr! If you are a dragon, be honest with your husband first. It looks so ironic and funny.

"I violently dislike you."


thank you! ugh so irritating


She should have called a board meeting and laid down the law instead of sitting on the sidelines.


exactly! she's acting childish


I hope that Weber drop kicks her out the door!


that would be amazing! she's ellis part 2


I could not believe that she hid behind Bailey on this.


she manipulated the situation with everyone. it makes me sad for Bailey


I love the actress but I despise this character.


yeah shes an amazing and beautiful actress..the character however is just so terrible. she's so mean and i don't get why she needs to be this way


Catherine's actress pretty much has a job because she's a behind the scenes contributor to the series, so...


I hate Catherine, I hate every scene she's in. She's not a 'strong woman' she's a loud, crass, selfish, arrogant pain in the ass. She thinks shes smarter and better than everyone else, she never once apologises when she's wrong - which she is a lot - she's manipulative and short-sighted and I find nothing redeeming about the character. she's pointless and I have no idea why Richard woould want her.


Yes. Some people mistake being obnoxious for being strong.

Cristina Yang (my favorite character) is strong. Catherine Avery, and for the past two seasons, Bailey (who for 10 years was also one of my favorites) are obnoxious.
